Category Archives: Soybean

Soybean Herbicide Trait Summary

Herbicide resistant traits available in soybean continue to increase.  It does not seem that long ago that there was either Roundup Ready or conventional soybean.  There are no less than eight different soybean herbicide resistant traits available today with the most recent being XtendFlex soybean.  Continue reading

Good Time to Scout for Weeds

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Pigweed that has escaped dicamba + S-metolachlor + glyphosate on 4 to 6″ weeds followed 20 days later with dicamba + S-metolchlor + glyphosate: Montgomery County, TN. Sept 1, 2020

Some have been concerned about losing dicamba due to court or EPA rulings. Everyone should be more concerned about losing dicamba and 2,4-D to Charles Darwin’s theory. Weeds developing herbicide resistance has caused the loss of many more herbicides than anything a court or the EPA has ever done. It’s not even a close race.

This is particularly true for Palmer amaranth. The newest development is that Palmer amaranth has evolved dicamba resistance here in Tennessee. We are in the beginning stages of Palmer amaranth, yet again, becoming a major problem due to the loss of a herbicides’ utility on that weed. Continue reading