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2021 Cotton Focus Video Series: Cotton Diseases ‘Across the Fence’ by Dr. Bob Kemerait

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Bob Kemerait - People | Plant Pathology

I’m extremely excited to introduce the presenter for our third segment of the 2021 Cotton Focus Video Series- Dr. Bob Kemerait, Professor and Extension Specialist for the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Georgia.  Dr. Kemerait’s program covers corn, cotton, peanuts and soybeans for the state of Georgia. As many of you know, Georgia cotton growers are faced with big challenges every year, including boll rot, Bacterial blight, Cotton leafroll dwarf virus, Fusarium wilt, nematodes, Target spot, Areolate mildew and seedling diseases.  Dr. Kemerait’s program guides his growers through each of these challenges.  While we face our own unique challenges, I always find it beneficial to learn about challenges faced by other regions and I believe understanding these issues from other perspectives makes us better at producing within our own environment.

On behalf of Dr. Heather Kelly and myself, special thanks to Dr. Kemerait for taking the time out of his extremely busy schedule to deliver this presentation.  I should also add, Dr. Kemerait is on Twitter.  I thoroughly enjoy following his profile- his posts are very informative and often entertaining; who else do you know that has video of a turtle eating a cotton plant?  You can find his profile here.

Dr. Kemerait’s presentation is linked below:

Again, thank you Dr. Kemerait!

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A Shift in Early Burndown Strategy

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Early Burndown.  The challenge to burning down grasses before planting has become increasingly difficult in the last half dozen years. There are two reasons for the sketchy grass control with the traditional burndown application of glyphosate + dicamba.  First, the continued evolution of glyphosate resistance in ryegrass, junglerice, johnsongrass and goosegrass have made that “go-to” burndown application inconsistent. Second, we have now documented that dicamba is consistently causing glyphosate to provide poor grass control.  As such our recommendation has been to change the “go-to” burndown from glyphosate + dicamba to glyphosate + clethodim.

The problem with using glyphosate + clethodim is that the burndown will miss, or be weak on, some broadleaf weeds, most notably glyphosate-resistant horseweed.   During the meeting circuit this winter, several have asked “Is there a herbicide that can be added to glyphosate + clethodim that will provide horseweed control while not sacrificing grass control?” This caused me to go back and examine burndown research we conducted 4 and 5 years ago with Elevore and Verdict. Continue reading

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2021 Cotton Focus Video Series: Grass Management by Dr. Larry Steckel, Clay Perkins

Our second series of presentations for the 2021 Cotton Focus Video Series are from Dr. Larry Steckel’s program.  Dr. Steckel and his PhD student, Clay Perkins, will be presenting  two topics for us- the first is ‘Grass Management in Xtend and Enlist Cotton’ and the second is ‘Characterization and Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Junglerice’.  We are extremely blessed to have Dr. Steckel in Tennessee and I’m excited to have these two very important topics covered, especially after the challenges we’ve faced with grasses in recent years.

You can find links to Dr. Steckel’s and Mr. Perkins’ presentations below.






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2021 Cotton Focus Video Series: Thrips and Bollworms by Dr. Scott Stewart

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To kick off the 2021 Cotton Focus Video Series, we are extremely grateful to have two videos from Dr. Scott Stewart- one discussing updates on thrips and one discussing updates bollworms.  As many of you know, Dr. Scott Stewart has recently accepted a new role as the Director of the West Tennessee Research and Education Center.   While we all hate to see him leave his current position, we are definitely excited to have him remaining on the team and I am very thankful he was willing to take time out of his busy schedule to still develop and deliver this content!  Dr. Stewart has also recorded a presentation on plant bugs; we will be posting that a little later in this series.

You can find links to Dr. Stewart’s updates on thrips and bollworms below.



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Cotton Focus VIRTUAL, video series to be posted weekly on blog

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After much deliberation, the decision was made earlier this year to move Cotton Focus to a VIRTUAL event.  Instead of making all presentations within a single day, we will be posting a few presentations each week on this blog (  We’ve got some great content to share with you and I believe this plan will allow us to deliver it in a manner that best fits your schedule.  Most of these videos will be approximately 15 minutes in length and we plan to keep these videos up indefinitely.

Sign up for our weekly emails to be notified when new content is posted or check the Cotton page of ( for a list of all current content.

For those that are in need of pesticide or CCA points, please watch the blog mid-March for a quiz.  Questions from that quiz will cover the content covered within the videos.

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The New !!!

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If you haven’t noticed, our website has gotten a facelift.  You may not recognize it when you first visit us at  However, it’s organized similarly to the old version.  I’m sure there are a few bugs that need to be fixed, but take a look!  This site gives you ready access to essentially all UT resources related to row crop production.


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Mid-South soybean variety testing database survey

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Growing regions often cross state lines but variety test information is typically reported by state. To provide stakeholders with a clearer picture of variety performance, a project is underway to develop a web-based, Mid-South soybean variety testing database that allows end-users to summarize and filter yield, quality, and phenotypic data based on location characteristics that cross multiple states. This research is being performed as a collaborative project with the University of Tennessee, University of Kentucky, Virginia Tech, NC State, and University of Arkansas and is funded by the United Soybean Board. Input from those involved in soybean production (grower, seed industry, Extension, crop advisor) is important for developing a product that best meets the needs of stakeholders. If you are interested in providing input for this research project, the survey can be found at (respondents must be 18 or older). If you have any additional questions regarding this project, please contact the lead PI, Dr. Virginia Sykes, at

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2020 County Standardized Trial Handout

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2020 CST handout_full

A special thanks to all cooperators, agents, and all others who make the County Standardized Trials Program a success.

With Covid limiting in-person meetings and office visits, I want to make available the 2020 CST handout.  The above link is available for you to use in assisting variety/hybrid selection for the coming season.  Agents, feel free to print and send out or send this attachment to your row crop producers via email.  The full report above contains data from 2019 and 2020 for corn and soybean, 2020 Wheat, and 2020 Cotton.

The following links are segments of the full report to simplify searches through all 2020 CST data.

2020 CST Corn Results

2020 CST Soybean Results

2020 CST/OVT Cotton Results

2020 CST Wheat Results



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