Taking soil samples this fall? Why not send them for nematode screening? Take the test and beat the pest! Read on to learn how to take and submit soil samples and the importance of soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Continue reading
All posts by Heather Marie Kelly, Extension Plant Pathologist
Discount to join us at the National Conservation Systems Cotton & Rice and Soybean & Corn Conference
Come join the UTcrops team and many others from the Midsouth in Memphis Jan. 27-28 for the multi-crop conferences: the National Conservation Systems Cotton & Rice, Southern Soybean & Corn, and Southern Precision Ag. Pre-register by Dec. 1st and use the code NBUA and get $50 off your conference fee. Pre-register at NCTD.NET or call 573-547-2244. Hope to see you there! Continue reading
“Hot” Topic – Ear Rots and Mycotoxin Management in Corn
Corn harvest is upon us in Tennessee and we have had a few calls about scouting for ear rots and managing mycotoxins. Continue reading
Cotton, Corn, and Soybean Disease Updates
With the heat and isolated showers in Tennessee, diseases are brewing; but not all of them require fungicide application. Continue reading
Disease updates and fungicide considerations in corn and soybean
With the wide range in planting dates, we have soybean and corn at all different stages which will influence disease onset and fungicide considerations. Continue reading
Wheat Disease Update – Know Your Risk for Scab
Most wheat in Tennessee is in the flowering period, the highest period for susceptibility to scab/FHB infection. There are multiple factors that can contribute to a field’s Scab/FHB risk.

Wheat Disease Update and Fungicide Options
As wheat is approaching flag leaf stage in Tennessee, start scouting if you haven’t already for disease. Depending on variety susceptibility you may already see powdery mildew and/or wheat blotch (Septoria and/or Stagonospora blotch); but if no disease present start considering Fusarium Head Blight management. Continue reading