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Bollworm moth flight kick off

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The bollworm moth flight is kicking off now in some areas. Of course this has implications for managing bollworm in cotton, soybean, and grain sorghum. Hot spots this week included traps located near Whiteville, Goldust, south Jackson, and Ridgley. Please keep in mind that local populations may vary considerably. You can check out this week catches at the link below. I’ve had another report of 100+ west of Covington in the Hatchie Bottoms in 3 nights.

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Reminder – Mid-South Ag Finance Conference-August 9

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It is still not too late for producers in Tennessee and surrounding states to register for the Wednesday, August 9, 2017  Mid-South Agricultural Finance Conference. This annual conference will once again be held in the Boling University Center on the campus of the University of Tennessee at Martin in Martin, Tennessee. Speakers for this conference include:

Dr. David Kohl, Professor Emeritus, Virginia Tech University discussing Agriculture & Ag Lending at the Crossroads; Continue reading

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2017 CST Wheat Yield Results

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2017 County Standardized Trial (CST) Wheat yield data is now complete.  CST plots are large on-farm strip trials using farmers normal production practices, and represent common production environments.  Included in the table are 12 test, harvested from 11 counties across much of West TN and into Middle TN coving a wide range of Continue reading

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Cotton – the call of the week is aphids (bollworms picking up)

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I’m getting more reports of bollworm moths being observed in fields. Thus far, it appears that our bollworm flight is right on time and pretty typical in size. We will have a better sense of this by next week. Things can change quickly, and the next 14 days is a critical window for scouting and managing bollworm infestations in cotton. Please refer to a previous article about control options for bollworm in cotton …

Despite heightened awareness about bollworms in Bt cotton, the most frequent call of the week has concerned aphids. Below are a few reminders about managing aphids and Continue reading

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