Dr. Heather Kelly joins this week’s podcast to discuss a 2020 summer internship opportunity at the West TN AgResearch and Education Center. It’s open to students from any college or university…not just UT…and you get paid! Continue reading
Category Archives: Cotton
Junglerice/Barnyardgrass Starting to Emerge in Tennessee

We have started to notice Junglerice/Barnyardgrass emergence here in West Tennessee on Tuesday (April 28th). The key way to ID junglerice at this young stage is the purple base and flat stem. As the grass matures, you will start to notice some purple striping on the leaves as well as not having a ligule.
Summer Internships in AgResearch and Extension
Do you know a college student who is interested in science or agriculture, but needs more experience before starting their career? Tell them about the USDA-NIFA funded Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) Internship at the West TN AgResearch and Education Center in Jackson, TN. Continue reading
Wheat cold tolerance info after the 4/15 frost/freeze
Instead of checking the thermometer last Wednesday morning (4/15) to find temperatures at or around 32 degrees, many found temperatures as low as 28 degrees. By now (over seven days after the lowest nighttime temperature observed 4/15), we can inspect the wheat crop and get a decent estimate of what (if any) damage occurred. Before we get into damage assessments, though, I think it is appropriate to take a look at how cold it got in order to get an idea of the expected level of damage.
Does boron fertilizer use increase corn and soybean yields?
Boron is associated with cell wall biosynthesis, cell wall structure, membrane function, pollen germination, pollen tube growth, and carbohydrate metabolism; hence, insufficient supply can severely impair crop performance, and ultimately result in sub-optimal yields.
Boron deficiency symptoms vary among crops, but, are often noticed on the youngest leaves or terminal buds since boron is not very mobile within the plant. In some crops, deficiency symptoms appear as misshaped leaf blades (Fig. 1). Failure of seed and fruit set has been observed on boron deficient soils (Fig. 2). Deficiency in boron during flowering and fruit may reduce the retention of bud flowers and developing fruits. Some boron deficient crops tend to have short internodes and swollen nodes giving the crops a bush appearance.
Poa and Ryegrass Causing Burndown Issues
Poor control of poa (annual bluegrass) and ryegrass have been the common calls of late. This is becoming more common every spring. It would appear that an increasing portion of the poa and ryegrass populations in Tennessee has evolved some level (2 to 4x) of glyphosate resistance.

Thinking About Insect Pests During Planting Season

There are some basic management practices that can affect, sometimes worsen, and other times be used to reduce risks of insect pest injury. Below, I’ve included some observations and suggestions for your consideration.
As a general rule of thumb (but not universally true), no-till production increases the risk of some problems including pests like cutworm, threecornered alfalfa hopper, slugs, and several below ground pests (e.g., wireworms and white grubs). Of course, tillage is not an option in most areas of Tennessee. Thus, most entomologists suggest Continue reading
Wheat questions on the first of April
**Posted on behalf of Lindsay Stephenson, Haywood County Extension Agent**
As the warmer spring days approach, and hopefully some drier days ahead, planning your next steps on your wheat crop is probably on your to-do list. I spent some time earlier this week reaching out to Extension Agents and Specialists to get their opinions on some commonly asked questions. Below are answers to those questions to help you in your decisions about your wheat.