Category Archives: Cotton

Bicentennial Heritage Festival This Saturday (Jackson, TN)

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Be sure to stop by the West TN Research and Education Center this Saturday (Oct. 9, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM) for this event commemorating our agricultural and rural heritage on the bicentennial of many counties in the region becoming a bona fide part of Tennessee. This should be a great event for families and the weather is looking good!


Join us at 605 Airways Blvd, Jackson, TN, 38301

Start Planning for Herbicide Shortages in 2022

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Retailers and the basic suppliers are all very concerned about herbicide shortages in 2022. We all can recall similar concerns this past spring.  In most cases applicators were able to get what they needed .  However, this spring retailers were often able to fill shortages by accessing carryover from 2020.  I have been told there will be no carryover herbicides to fill holes in 2022 so the probability of herbicides not being available is much more likely. Continue reading

Harvest aid concoctions moving into the first full week of Oct

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Rainfall pushed us out of the field today and it looks like we may not get back to spraying until early next week; it is generally best to not apply harvest aids in front of a guaranteed rain.  In this blog, I cover defoliation concoctions as we move into cooler temperatures next week. Continue reading

Cotton Specialists’ Corner: Conversations on Harvest Aids

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The Extension Cotton Specialist Working Group, under the leadership of Dr. Seth Byrd, began a podcast earlier this year discussing management decisions and topics important to the industry.  In the past two weeks, two episodes have been released which cover harvest aids; the first includes comments from Steve Brown (AL), Camp Hand (GA), and Bill Robertson (TX) discussing methods for scheduling harvest aid applications and application strategies to optimize harvest aid performance; the second includes Guy Collins (NC), Matt Foster (LA), and Tyler Sandlin (North AL) discussing various harvest aid products, tanks mixes, and how to address late season crop issues through harvest aid product and rate selection.  These podcasts contain excellent content which will be extremely timely as we move into the next few weeks.  Continue reading

Defoliation trial results, thoughts, and concoctions for the next few days

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I dug through my closet to get a jacket this morning.  With cooler temps creeping into the forecast, calls on defoliation timing, products and rates have really picked up.  In this blog, I highlight results from the earliest defoliation strip trial we’ve applied in 2021, share a few concoctions that I’ll be running on the earliest cotton here in Jackson next week,  circle back on boll maturity and give a couple of additional thoughts on what we will likely face in the coming weeks.

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Survey on boll maturity: Will ethephon open it?

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We can learn a great deal by comparing notes.  Slicing bolls is one of the best ways to time defoliation- and most agree on what represents a ‘mature’ boll (dark seed coat color, no jelly in seed, hard to slice with a sharp knife).  But when it comes down to it, there is a large amount of variation in what each of us, as agronomists, consider to be a boll that could potentially be opened by ethephon.  With cool temperatures in the forecast on what remains a late crop, many are trying to figure out which bolls might be opened with an application and when to start.  To get the conversation started, I texted the above picture to a few dozen individuals within the industry to get their thoughts on this question- what is the lowest number boll you believe you can open with ethephon? Continue reading

Nominations for Certified Crop Adviser of the Year

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The nomination for the CCA of the Year is still open. This is a great opportunity to honor a CCA personnel in TN for their exceptional customer service, innovations, substantial contribution to the exchange of ideals and the transfer of agronomic knowledge within the agricultural industry. Click on the CCA of the year brochure to learn more about the award or nominate a deserving Certified Crop Adviser. Contact Jaymie Seay ( for additional information.


2021 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide now available

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The 2021 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide is now available online.  You can access the guide by clicking the above image or any of the embedded links within this post. This guide was compiled and is updated yearly by Extension Cotton and Weed Science Specialists from throughout the Mid-South.