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Cotton and Soybean Insect Update: Is it a Wormy Year or Not?

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Corn earworm (bollworm) moth

Sometimes there is no substitute for scouting. Spraying based on rumor or what your neighbor does will get you in trouble (or waste money). I predicted a relatively large corn earworm (bollworm) moth flight, but the average trap catches don’t support that. Having said that, there are definitely pockets of bollworms in late soybean and more widespread issues in cotton. Cotton maturity is all over the board depending on planting date, variety, and field conditions. The most mature cotton is Continue reading

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2019-2020 CST Wheat Variety Trial Results-

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County Standardized Trial (CST) Wheat Results are now available. The 2019 planted wheat crop had it’s challenges to say to the least. Between delayed harvest of the 2019 crop, wet fall, wet spring, late freezes etc. this crop had everyone guessing how it would turn out.
The CST program was able to use data collected from 7 locations (Carroll, Fayette, Gibson, Madison, Moore, Weakley, WTREC) to compile this dateset representing 18 varieties commonly available to TN producers. Overall, the varieties averaged 70 bu/ac with a location average range from 52-97 bu/ac. Varieties are separated statistically at a 95% confidence interval indicated by the Mean Separation, “MS” column. Varieties that have the same letter in the MS column are not significantly different from each other.
CST plots are on-farm large strip trials in design, with a minimum plot length of 300 ft. These plots are conducted using common agriculture practices supported by UT recommendations. Special thanks to everyone involved, especially those cooperating producers and County Agents who make this possible .

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Bollworm Management in the Coming Weeks

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Bollworm feeding on boll

Although  current moth activity remains relatively low, I’m expecting a peak of moth activity sometime beginning around August 5th through 10th. Bollworm (a.k.a., corn earworm) poses a significant threat to cotton and soybean, and particularly late planted soybean that are still flowering when the flight arrives. Below are some thoughts on managing for this troubling pest. Continue reading

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Visual Symptoms: A Handy Tool in Identifying Nutrient Deficiency in Row Crops

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Generally, a nutrient deficiency occurs as a result of low soil nutrient levels. However, prevailing environmental conditions, soil properties, and growth conditions may restrict nutrient uptake and induce deficiencies in crops even if soil nutrient levels are deemed sufficient for optimum yield. For example, low or high soil pH, soil compaction, and excessively wet or dry soil may prevent nutrient uptake. A handy diagnostic tool to identify nutrient deficiency in crops is via visual symptoms. In some instances, this tool may not provide a definite diagnosis of the nutrient status of the plant. Keep in mind that there are other conditions that are cable of inducing symptoms that closely resemble those of nutrient deficiencies. Visual symptoms should be corroborated with tissue and/or soil testing. Adequate knowledge of visual symptoms and tissue testing may help guide corrective actions in-season or preventive action in the following season to avoid yield loss.

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