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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat were up for the week. Corn net sales for export were almost double pre-report estimates at 85.1 million bushels for the week of April15-20. Immediately following the export sales report on Thursday, July corn futures increased 5 cents. Currently, total export commit-ments (outstanding sales + exports) total 1.459 billion bushels (540 million bushels of outstanding sales plus 919 million bushels of accumulated exports), 191 million bushels short of the USDA’s 2015/16 marketing year projection of 1.65 billion bushels, with 19 weeks remaining in the marketing year. To achieve the USDA projection, net sales would need to average just over 10 million bushels per week. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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UT Crop Marketing Update 4/28/2016

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Corn: Corn has been trading sideways this week. However, corn prices are still above the recent lows that we saw take place at the end of March. Better corn sales has contributed to the increase in corn prices. According to the today’s USDA export report, net sales of 2.2 million metric tons established a marketing year high for 2015/2016. This is an increase of 80% over the previous week. Actual exports were a tad lower than last week’s levels.

Planting is advancing rapidly across the U.S. According to the April 25, 2016 Crop Progress 30% of the U.S. corn crop is planted. This is almost double the planting progress that we saw at the end of April of 2015. Continue reading

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Weed Tour – Wednesday June 22

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Dear Colleagues

The University of Tennessee Weed Tour will be held Wednesday, June 22 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson, TN (605 Airways Blvd).  Registration will start at 8:30 A.M. and the tour will begin at 9:00 A.M.  It will end about 11:30. We will have breakfast biscuits available before the tour starts. Continue reading

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Delayed POST Herbicide Applications in Corn for Palmer Amaranth Control

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Large Palmer in corn
Large Palmer in corn

Corn planting is winding down. A good bit of the early April planted corn will need to be sprayed POST shortly.  However, the wet weather in the forecast for the next week will likely make for a narrow window to get these fields sprayed timely.     Continue reading

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn was down; cotton, soybeans, and wheat were up for the week. December corn peaked at $4.09 on Thursday before retreating to a close of $3.81 on Friday. Concerns about drier weather in Brazil and the sharp rally in the soybean complex drove prices up at the beginning of the week. Soybeans continued their upward trajectory at the beginning of the week; however, by Thursday the rally started to falter and on Friday soybean contracts gave back between 15-30 cents. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Cotton Planting Forecast

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I’ve spoken with several who planted a few fields last week.  Soils have been a little cooler than we would prefer but it was hard to keep the planter at the shop with 60+ degree soil temperatures at 3” at 8 AM with warm temperatures in the forecast.  Moisture is currently not hard to find in most areas given you caught some of the showers Continue reading

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