Category Archives: Wheat

Armyworms in Wheat (Better than it Looks)

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Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit some fields in Shelby County and had reports from a couple of other areas where armyworms have completely defoliated some wheat fields (or spots in fields). Armyworms were not hard to find, but many had pupated (“cycled out”) or were being killed by diseases and parasites. The good news is Continue reading

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True Armyworms in Wheat

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This is a repeat of an older article … as a reminder.  There have been a couple of reports of armyworms in wheat. Nothing crazy but much of the wheat is still in the milk stage and would be susceptible to excessive defoliation. Occasionally, armyworms may even cut the heads, typically when populations are high.  Yield loss is most likley if Continue reading

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Tennnessee Variety Test Program Survey

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Things have been busy this past month in the Tennessee variety test program as entries continue to roll in for our 2017 corn and soybean tests. This year we will be testing a total of 86 corn grain hybrids, 11 corn silage hybrids, and 195 soybean varieties across the state of Tennessee.

We know the variety test program is important to many of you. In order to make sure this program continues to meet your needs, we’d like some feedback from you!

If you are a Tennessee corn, soybean, wheat, or cotton producer, please take a few minutes to help us out by taking this survey. Producer – Variety Test Survey

If you are not a producer, but you provide folks with advice on variety selection (scout, retailer, seed company rep), then please take this survey. Industry – Variety Test Survey

Thanks for your help as we continue to figure out ways we can better serve you through our Tennessee variety test program!

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Consider Wheat Herbicide Plant Back Intervals on Failed Wheat Stand Decisions

It will be the end of next week (March 24) before we can tell how badly the wheat was injured from the cold temperatures this week.  Of course, a decade ago we had a similar cold spell that many folks refer to as the Easter freeze.  Back then some fields were destroyed and replanted to other crops while others were kept and went to yield.  Then as now when making this decision the herbicides that have been applied to the wheat must play a factor in how to proceed. Continue reading

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Freeze damage to jointing wheat

For much of Tennessee’s wheat, the cold front which moved through Saturday (March 11th) dropped temperatures near the danger zone. Jointing typically does not occur until late March but our mild winter has allowed much of the timely planted wheat to mature faster than normal.  Much of our wheat is between Feekes stages 7 and 8.  In the below image, the growing point was located near the knife blade.  Wheat becomes considerably less tolerant to cold temperatures after the growing point leaves the base of the plant. Continue reading

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Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference

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The 2017 Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference is being held at the Dyer County Fairgrounds in Dyersburg, TN on Thursday, February 2nd.  On-site registration begins at 7:45. The programs ends after lunch following the Keynote Address by Harrison M. Pittman, Director, National Agricultural Law Center (University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture) on “Ag Law Update: Recent & Emerging Issues for the Ag Industry”.   Preliminary Agenda (updated)

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