Category Archives: Weeds

Reminder – UT Soybean Scout School via Zoom (July 8th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM)

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Because of restrictions due to the COVID-19 situation, the UT Soybean Scout School will be offered by Zoom from 9:00-11:30 AM on Wednesday, July 8th. The Zoom link is provided below.  However, a password is required. Please contact Ms. LaDonn Kelso ( or myself ( to obtain the meeting password.

The Soybean Scout School provides training for understanding soybean growth and development and the identification, scouting and basic management of pests including insects, weeds, and disease. Pesticide re-certification points and Continue reading

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Concerns About Poor Palmer Amaranth Control with Dicamba

Palmer Amaranth Escaping 2 Applications of Engenia + Roundup PM. Crockett County TN. Pic taken 14 Days after 2nd Application

Calls continue to come in on concerns about poor Palmer amaranth control after a dicamba application. More than a few have reported that Palmer amaranth has survived multiple dicamba + glyphosate applications (Example above). Continue reading

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Junglerice Control after Initial Glyphosate + Dicamba Application

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Glyphosate (32 oz) – 21 DAA

Questions continue to be asked on how to best manage junglerice, barnyardgrass and goosegrass in cotton and soybean. Research earlier this spring looking at grass control after an initial glyphosate + dicamba application showed that if a follow-up glyphosate application was applied 7 days later better than 90% junglerice control could be achieve (data below). Continue reading

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Post-Direct and Hooded Mixtures

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Some of the earlier planted cotton fields are entering the true “laying it by” application timing.  Given the continued reports of Palmer amaranth, prickly sida, barnyardgrass, junglerice and goosegrass escaping glyphosate + dicamba applications going back to an “old school” layby is a good plan.

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Corn Maturity Cutoffs for Herbicides

Due to little time and very few good spray days some corn fields have yet to have their lay-by application. Corn is putting on a new leaf every 3 days with all the heat and water. Therefore time is short before it will be too mature to apply any herbicide safely over the top.

The most asked question “is how large can corn be before glyphosate could potentially cause injury”? The glyphosate label states it can be applied up through the V8 corn growth stage. My experience has been if glyphosate is applied to corn larger than that it can at times cause ears to be barren.  This phenomena is difficult to predict ahead of time as it can vary due to maturity of the corn at application, hybrid and weather. Continue reading

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Palmer Amaranth Control with all the Uncertainty Around Dicamba

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As most know by now, on June 3rd the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit vacated the labels for XtendiMax, FeXapan and Engenia.  The question since is how do we proceed from here controlling weeds in Xtend cotton and soybean?

The folks at the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) have stated that until they get direction from the Environmental Protection Agency to the contrary, growers can still apply those herbicides according to the label directions. How long this will be is uncertain. It could be just a day, several weeks or depending upon legal maneuvers, well into July. Continue reading

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