Watch as Dr. Steckel advises on best dicamba alternatives for DT soybeans when wind and weather are not cooperating.
Category Archives: Soybean
Mid May Weather has Hampered Liberty, Engenia and XtendiMax Weed Control
I have gotten a number of reports and pictures from consultants on disappointing Palmer amaranth control from POST applications last week of Engenia, Liberty and XtendiMax. This is not surprising. Spraying those herbicides on Palmer amaranth that is 6 to 10” tall with frequent overcast skies and showers most every afternoon is a recipe for poor control. Continue reading
Palmer Amaranth Management: Frequent Rain Making it very Difficult
This weather pattern has Palmer amaranth management in a terrible fix for many fields in West Tennessee. The rain that has occurred on an almost daily basis for over a week in many areas has delayed early POST herbicide applications. The forecast for rain into June looks to be a similar pattern. There will likely be a very small window to spray until the first week of June for numerous fields. Palmer amaranth is growing quickly and now is often in the 1 to 3” range where a PRE was used and 10 to 14” range in fields where no PRE was used. Continue reading
Confusing Cutworm with Armyworms?
We’ve had a pretty good run of cutworms in some fields, but we’ve also had some mistaken identity where armyworms have actually been the problem. This has been in situations where wheat cover crop was infested with armyworms. If the cover crop is killed close to or after planting, there is potential for armyworms to feed on emerging seedlings and cause injury similar to cutworms. I’d recommend using a pyrethroid Continue reading
Rain needed for soybean emergence
The hot, dry weather has sapped surface moisture pretty well in parts of the state, which is affecting ease of planting and soybean emergence. Continue reading
Destroying a Poor Corn Stand to be Planted Back to Soybean or Cotton
Clearly the most frequent call the last few days of April and the first half of May has concerned corn replant. All through early May the calls have been on how to destroy a partial stand of corn and replant back to corn. In just the last few days the question has been on how to remove a poor stand of corn and then plant back to soybeans or cotton. Continue reading
Scout Cotton and Soybean Fields Planted Last Week for Palmer Amaranth
I have gotten numerous reports of Palmer amaranth becoming established in fields where PRE applied herbicides were not activated by timely rainfall. Indeed I have seen some in my research as well. There were many acres of cotton and soybean planted May 7 to May 14. The rain that was in the forecast for last week was a no-show. The result is many of the PRE applied herbicides sprayed on all those cotton and soybean acres was not activated. This has led to a large flush of Palmer amaranth to emerge with the cotton and soybean in a good number of fields in Tennessee. Continue reading
Armyworms in Wheat etc.
Be alert for true armyworm infestations in wheat, and these larvae may also migrate into soybean, corn or other crops from adjacent wheat fields of grassy ditch banks. They might even be on weedy grasses or wheat or other grasses used in cover crops, and this could cause a problem if Continue reading