Category Archives: Soybean

Basics of the CFAP Direct Payments for Corn, Soybean, and Cotton

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Posted for Dr. Aaron Smith, Associate Professor and Extension Economist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture

The USDA has started accepting applications for CFAP payments to producers that have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading

Moth Trapping Data

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Corn earworm (bollworm) moth

A reminder that moth trapping data are updated weekly at, and you can also access these data on the Quick Links of this site.  Pheromone-baited traps are run for corn earworm (bollworm), tobacco budworm, and southwestern corn borer.

Currently, moth trap catches are generally low, as typically observed this time of year.

Management of Grass Escapes from Paraquat Burndown

Junglerice recovering from paraquat burndown

Recent burndowns that are targeting Palmer amaranth with paraquat are working quite well on that weed.  Unfortunately, that is not the case on some grass weeds like barnyardgrass, junglerice and crabgrass.  Once those grasses get 4” or more in height paraquat often struggles to provide good control. Continue reading

Dicamba Application Best Managment Practices

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Wet and cold with more rain in the forecast. Ugg! That sums up our spring planting season to date. Hopefully, next week, we will get our break and can get a good bit done in the field. When that time comes, please remember to use best management practices applying all herbicides but particularly dicamba containing products! Continue reading

Results of UT Studies on Reasons for Junglerice Becoming a Major Pest in Tennessee Xtend Cotton and Soybean Acres

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Junglerice Escaping: Glyphosate+Engenia /fb Glyphosate+Engenia+Clethodim

The results of some studies UT Extension has done to try to determine why junglerice has become a major weed pest in Tennessee Xtend cotton and soybean acres has provided some insights. This research was in-part supported by the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board and from Cotton Incorporated. Continue reading