Category Archives: Sorghum

Lily Weed Family Burndown

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Blue flowers distinguish grape hyacinth from wild garlic

There have been questions on control of wild garlic, grape hyacinth and in a few cases, star-of-Bethlehem. These three weeds, in the Lily family, are often mistaken for each other as they all derive from bulbs and are low-growing perennials. Continue reading

August 24 Bollworm/Budworm Catches for West TN

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Location CEW TBW
Hardeman (Bolivar) 19 0
Fayette (Whiteville) 23 0
Fayette (Somerville) 24 2
Shelby (Millington) 20 0
Tipton (Covington) 2 1
Tipton (North) 11 0
Lauderdale (Golddust) 32 0
Haywood(West) 18 0
Haywood (Brownsville) 33 0
Madison (WTREC) 33 0
Madison (North) 18 0
Crockett (Alamo) 0 1
Crockett (Friendship) 26 0
Dyer (King Rd) 28 0
Dyer (Dyersburg) 33 0
Lake (Ridgely) 39 0
Gibson (Trenton) 86 0
Gibson (Milan Rec) 1 0
Carroll (Coleman Farm) 17 0

Herbicide Option Questions

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The constant word I am hearing from retailers is that many herbicides are in tight or limited supply going into the spring.  This all started back in late January when the most commonly used spring wheat herbicide, Axial Bold, sold out quickly and was followed shortly by Osprey. This was followed with reports of 2,4-D being in short supply. Continue reading

A Shift in Early Burndown Strategy

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Early Burndown.  The challenge to burning down grasses before planting has become increasingly difficult in the last half dozen years. There are two reasons for the sketchy grass control with the traditional burndown application of glyphosate + dicamba.  First, the continued evolution of glyphosate resistance in ryegrass, junglerice, johnsongrass and goosegrass have made that “go-to” burndown application inconsistent. Second, we have now documented that dicamba is consistently causing glyphosate to provide poor grass control.  As such our recommendation has been to change the “go-to” burndown from glyphosate + dicamba to glyphosate + clethodim.

The problem with using glyphosate + clethodim is that the burndown will miss, or be weak on, some broadleaf weeds, most notably glyphosate-resistant horseweed.   During the meeting circuit this winter, several have asked “Is there a herbicide that can be added to glyphosate + clethodim that will provide horseweed control while not sacrificing grass control?” This caused me to go back and examine burndown research we conducted 4 and 5 years ago with Elevore and Verdict. Continue reading

The New !!!

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If you haven’t noticed, our website has gotten a facelift.  You may not recognize it when you first visit us at  However, it’s organized similarly to the old version.  I’m sure there are a few bugs that need to be fixed, but take a look!  This site gives you ready access to essentially all UT resources related to row crop production.


Emergency Label Approved for Sivanto in Sweet Sorghum for Sugarcane Aphids

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Sugarcane aphids

Please see the authorization letter linked below which allows the use of Sivanto (flupyradifurone) for control of sugarcane aphids in sweet sorghum. This product is already registered for use in grain sorghum. The authorization letter lists restrictions for the use of this product. Thanks to the EPA for once again granting this section 18  exemption.

20TN01 – Sivanto signed authorization letter

Moth Trapping Data

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Corn earworm (bollworm) moth

A reminder that moth trapping data are updated weekly at, and you can also access these data on the Quick Links of this site.  Pheromone-baited traps are run for corn earworm (bollworm), tobacco budworm, and southwestern corn borer.

Currently, moth trap catches are generally low, as typically observed this time of year.

Thinking About Insect Pests During Planting Season

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Black cutworm and cut cotton plant

There are some basic management practices that can affect, sometimes worsen, and other times be used to reduce risks of insect pest injury. Below, I’ve included some observations and suggestions for your consideration.

As a general rule of thumb (but not universally true), no-till production increases the risk of some problems including pests like cutworm, threecornered alfalfa hopper, slugs, and several below ground pests (e.g., wireworms and white grubs). Of course, tillage is not an option in most areas of Tennessee. Thus, most entomologists suggest Continue reading