We’ve added a cotton weed control video to the 2020 Weed Tour playlist. Check it out.
Category Archives: Cotton

Post-Direct and Hooded Mixtures
Early Season Management of Plant Bugs in Cotton

Below are a few reminders as much of the crop will begin squaring in the next week. It’s too soon to know what kind of plant bug year we will have, but there are a couple of truism that generally hold. When we have a wet spring, and particularly a cool spring, infestations in cotton often start a little later than normal. The weedy hosts of tarnished plant bug will stay attractive longer, holding the bugs longer before they migrate into cotton. However, we often since higher than normal populations during mid and late season under the same circumstance. Second, Continue reading
Virtual Weed Tour
Since we could not gather today for the annual Weed Tour, Dr. Larry Steckel and Clay Perkins have developed a few short videos highlighting weed management research.
Plan “B” For Palmer Escapes After Dicamba or 2,4-D
Some reports have come from folks concerned by the lack of Palmer amaranth response to applications of dicamba plus glyphosate applied in the last 10 days. I expect to get more of these calls as I have seen similar results in our research this spring. Continue reading
UT Weed Tour Cancelled
Dear Colleagues
The University of Tennessee Weed Tour has been cancelled. Due to the covid-19 virus no large groups are allowed to visit a University research station. Since we cannot have an in-person tour, we plan to post some short videos on the UT Crops News Blog highlighting some of the more interesting research from this summer.
Larry Steckel
Thrips Control in Cotton
Scott Stewart shares more information on thrips control in this video….the first one on our new UT Crops YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe.
Palmer Amaranth Control with all the Uncertainty Around Dicamba
As most know by now, on June 3rd the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit vacated the labels for XtendiMax, FeXapan and Engenia. The question since is how do we proceed from here controlling weeds in Xtend cotton and soybean?
The folks at the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) have stated that until they get direction from the Environmental Protection Agency to the contrary, growers can still apply those herbicides according to the label directions. How long this will be is uncertain. It could be just a day, several weeks or depending upon legal maneuvers, well into July. Continue reading