Category Archives: Corn

Cutworms, corn, and in-furrow insecticides

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As we approach corn planting time, I’ve had several questions related to cutworm management and/or the use of in-furrow insecticides.  I’ve written about this subject before (

Although cutworms are not a common problem on most acres, they can sneak up on you. The suggested treatment threshold for cutworms is when 5% or more of plants are damaged or 2 or more larvae are found per 100 plants. However, I often recommend a Continue reading

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When should I terminate my cover crop?


As planting nears, people are beginning to decide how and when to terminate their cover crop.  Cover crops are utilized for many reasons.  However with respect to weed suppression, cover crops should be managed “crop specifically”, not unlike how we think of PRE herbicides.  Factors that go into this decision will include cover crop specie(s), what the following crop is, and the size/stage of the cover crop. 

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2015 Planted Acreage for Corn, Cotton, Grain Sorghum, Soybeans, and Wheat in Tennessee by County

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A new publication has been released detailing the 2015 planted acreage for corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybeans, and wheat in Tennessee by County. To review this publication go to 2015 Planted Acreage in Tennessee.

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