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UT Extension Hires New Farm Management Specialist

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UT Extension is happy to welcome Mr. Christopher R. Narayanan to an Area Farm Management Specialist position that covers eight counties in West Tennessee. Chris joined a team of nine area specialists that serve Tennessee farmers and families with expertise in farm and financial management on July 1st. Continue reading

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TN Crop Condition Report

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In West Tennessee, producers were wrapping up the harvest of winter wheat and the planting of soybeans. Other activities included spraying for pests and the cutting of hay. Mid-week rains arrived at just the right time to benefit tasseling corn and emerging soybeans. In Middle Tennessee, the completion of the first cutting of hay was delayed by wet weather. This same wet weather proved beneficial to row crops, however. Cattle began to show some signs of stress due to last week’s hot and humid conditions. The rest of the report can be read here: Tennessee Crop Conditon Report.


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Moth Trapping Update

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A reminder that moth trap catches are reported weekly for corn earworm (bollworm), tobacco budworm, and southwestern corn borer. You can find these data under the Quick Links menu of this web site which takes you to the link below.

Corn earworm (bollworm) moth

We are also seeing an increase in bollworm moth catches. I’m hopeful many of these moths will target later corn rather than cotton or soybean, but Continue reading

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Linking visual cotton auxin injury to yield penalties

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Information regarding cotton management following an off-target auxin event has been requested by several producers in our area. This blog briefly covers factors which can impact the yield penalties associated with auxin injury and best management practices after the injury occurs. Continue reading

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Recording of 2020 UT Soybean Scout School

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Below is a link to the recorded presentation of the 2020 UT Soybean Scout School that was presented today via Zoom. Set aside a little time if you intend to watch. Also keep in mind that much of the same information is available on our other internet resources including and

Recording of Soybean Scout School (1h 46 min)

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Strategies to Address Palmer amaranth, junglerice and goosegrass Escapes from Follow-up Applications in Xtend and Enlist Crops.

Carpet of Palmer amaranth escapes from a 0.5 lbs of dicamba + 32 ozs glyphosate + S-metolachlor: Pic taken 20 DAA: S-metolachlor was only herbicide that looked to be working in this field.

Calls continue from some folks frustrated with goosegrass, junglerice and Palmer amaranth escapes after a dicamba + glyphosate application. A large reason for the frustration is the follow-up applications have often provided less control than hoped. Timing is the cause for some of these poor weed control issues. Herbicide resistance is another cause. Continue reading

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Corn Diseases and Fungicides

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Relatively low disease has been observed in Tennessee so far. The warmer winters most areas had may have allowed survival of disease inoculum and paired with storms coming from the south could result in more disease development this season, so scouting and correctly identifying diseases are important. Continue reading

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