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Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on April 22, 2013


Corn producers made the most of the four days of planting weather last week but still lag behind where they would like to be. Planting is about a week behind the five-year average pace. Cotton and soybean plantings have yet to begin, but that is not unusual for this time of year. The wheat acreage has been top-dressed and was reported in good-to-excellent condition with the crop just starting to head. Continue reading

Palmer Amaranth Burndown Strategies

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Palmer amaranth started emerging last week.  Some of it is ½ to a 1” tall today April 22. Of course this is just the vanguard of the Palmer that will be coming.  Despite this early Palmer flush typically being less numbers per foot than later emergence events, it is the most important emergence event to control. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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U.S. Dollar



Crude Oil






Soybean prices are mixed while corn, cotton, and wheat prices are down for the week. The Dow before closing is headed toward giving back all the gains plus some from the previous week. This on what has been a trying week in the U.S. with the bomb at the Boston Marathon and the explosion at the fertilizer plant in Texas. These tragic events are part of the non ag influences that happen from time to time and are difficult to measure their effects on the markets. Continue reading

Wet Weather and Supplemental N Fertilizer in Wheat

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Based on the number of calls coming in, a combination of 1) applying N in early February (especially liquid N) and 2) continued wet weather has led to N deficiency symptoms showing up in some wheat fields.  Variations in green color within a field can be due to application method as well as weather or soil conditions.  Continue reading

Heavy Ground and Corn Replants

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Weather forecast looks like rain Thursday night/Friday that will catch a good bit of west TN and move eastward and this will put a halt to planting once again.  We have made decent planting progress considering what we are working with on rainfall.  Check your fields before moving equipment and try not to plant into fields that are too heavy. Continue reading