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Custom Rates- Focus on planting

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This has been a difficult start to the planting season with weather delays constantly occurring or at least seeming that way.  Generally, the best yields are achieved when crops are planted during their recommended time period which is usually their optimum planting window. Planting is a critical farm operation that needs to be done on a timely basis. Planting on a timely basis generally means planting when the soil temperature and soil moisture are at an optimum level. The optimum time period is usually narrow so producers will have some crop planted in less than optimum conditions. This year is seeing the optimum window even narrower because of the weather. Continue reading

Yes, We can Still Plant Corn

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With frustration levels running pretty high, some producers have quit planting corn and are looking at other options after this week.  Others are watching corn prices and have the intention of continuing on at least through next week.  This year has been tough going for all and continued wet weather and cool temps have delayed other crops, but I still think we have time to plant corn on our better ground.  Continue reading