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Farm bill: Who takes the risk and who makes decisions?

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During winter meetings, I asked farmers, in regard to their operations, this simple question: “Who is the risk taker and decision maker?” From a producer standpoint, the answer is a resounding “I am!” However, a trend I have noticed in recent years is an over reliance on someone else to make decisions. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press.

Deadline for Base Reallocation/Yield Update February 27

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The deadline for the Farm Bill Base Reallocation and Yield Update is Friday, February 27, 2015. Producers and landowners who have not made this decision at their Farm Service Agency (FSA) must at least get on an register or list at  their FSA office.  You would then schedule an appointment to come in and take care of this part of the farm bill.  Contact your FSA office for more information and to get on the list. Failure to do so will result in no choice on base reallocation or yield update.

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn and wheat were down; cotton and soybeans were up for the week. On Thursday and Friday the USDA hosted their 91st annual Agricultural Outlook Forum in Arlington, Virginia. The conference provided preliminary estimates for the 2015/16 marketing year. Domestic planted acreage for wheat, corn, and soybeans was estimated to decrease 3.1 million acres to 228 million. Planted acreage for wheat was estimated to decrease from 56.8 million to 55.5 million. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

2015 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, Mid-South Ag Forum and SCGA Annual Meeting

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fgs2015The 63rd annual Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is scheduled for February 27- 28, 2015 at the Cook Convention Center, Memphis, TN. Those two days, more than 400 exhibitors from over 40 states will be on hand showcasing the latest technology and innovation available in agriculture.  Show hours are Friday, February 27, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 28, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. More information is available at and the full press release can be found by clicking on the logo or the hyperlink above.

Two other events will be occurring in conjunction with the Farm and Gin Show that many will find to be of interest: Continue reading