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New publication: Guide to Earliness Management in Short-season Cotton Production

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Tennessee cotton is finally ‘growing off’.  Still, here on the 3rd day of July, it appears few farms will reach the coveted ‘bloom by the 4th’.  Although the environment has played a dominate role in maturity up to this point, management decisions emphasizing earliness have been particularly useful in 2015.  This marks the third consecutive year in which managing for earliness has a marked effect on crop maturity by early July. earliness_2015_TN

On the heels of last year’s delayed crop, Dr. Owen Gwathmey and I began discussing potential benefits of managing a cotton crop for earliness and the management practices which encourage timely maturity and harvest with colleagues both within and beyond the University of Tennessee.  We have summarized these thoughts in the attached Guide to Earliness Management in Short-season Cotton Production (PB1830)Continue reading

Stink Bugs in Soybean

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I ran a similar article last year. Normally, stink bug infestations are worse in later planted soybean. They serve as a sink for bugs when other crops are maturing, and overall population levels have had all summer to build. However, we sometimes see high populations of adult stink bugs in soybean fields that are Continue reading

Moth Trapping Reminder

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Just a reminder that weekly moth trap catches in pheromone traps can be accessed by clicking on “Moth Trapping Data” under Quick Links on the left menu of our news site. This includes catches of bollworm (corn earworm), tobacco budworm, and southwestern corn borer. There is nothing exciting to report at this time, but be on a lookout for a spike in southwestern corn borer catches over the next two weeks. Over the past several years, this has occurred sometime between late June and mid July.

Really Late Planted Soybeans

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Farmers intended to plant about half of the 2015 soybean crop during June, but rains and flooding have delayed planting into July for some of those acres. I have had a number of calls about management practices for really late planted soybeans since it looks like some folks will not be able to get back in the field until mid-July. Continue reading