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UT Commodity Market Update 9/2/2016

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Corn: Corn futures have traded $0.02 lower since the market’s open on Monday morning. Informa has just released their private estimate of what the national corn crop yield will be. Their estimated national yield for corn is 174.8 bushels per acres. That is in line with the USDA August 12th estimate of a national yield of 175.1 bushels per acre. The USDA continues to rate the corn crop in a very favorable light with 75% being rated as good-to-excellent. They also reported that 92% of the crop at the dough stage with 60% having already reached dent. Informa’s estimate is likely the closest to USDA’s estimate that has been released by a private company. The market did not appear to react surprised by the figures, which could mean that the trade is beginning to anticipate a very large crop. Locally, corn basis has begun to improve slightly at some local elevators. Continue reading

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Soybeans, cotton, and wheat were down; corn was up for the week. In Tennessee, cash corn prices posted new lows in several regions ($2.89/bu was the lowest price reported by USDA-AMS in the state) before rebounding mildly at the end of the week. Northwest Tennessee has seen the lowest prices in the state while lower-middle Tennessee has had the highest cash prices out of the five regions reporting. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Cotton turning . . . too soon?

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IMG_4307The call of the week (beyond target spot) has concerned cotton ‘turning’.  In the dictionary of cotton rhetoric, ‘turning’ refers to the shift in canopy color from dark green to shades of yellow and red, or senescence, which usually coincides with the second or third week of football season.  Over the past week, the crop has definitely made a turn towards finishing out the season .  . .  and kickoff for the first game is still a few days away. The general concern is this change has occurred much more rapidly and earlier than we would like.  So are we looking at premature senescence and yield penalties? Continue reading

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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Earlier rains brought welcome relief to crop and pasture conditions. Corn harvest has started and, so far, has shown low moisture and good yields. Soybeans are dropping leaves in some areas and cotton continued to develop well. Farmers in southern Middle Tennessee were challenged with controlling sugarcane aphids and army worms, cutting hay fields that are infested and applying controls as necessary. Continue reading Tennessee NASS report at TN_08_29_16. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-08-29-2016.

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