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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Frequent rains across the state brought field work to a halt. Some localized flooding was reported. Most crops outside the flooded areas looked good, however. Fruit producers reported their crops are in good shape due to the extra moisture. Cooler temperatures accompanying the recent rains have helped improve cattle conditions. The rains continued to provide excellent growing conditions for pastures. There were 2.3 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was 1 percent short, 56 percent adequate and 43 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture was 1 percent very short, 3 percent short, 64 percent adequate and 32 percent surplus. Continue reading at TN_07_10_17. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-07-10-2017.

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Heat stress on its way

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The three-month outlook for July, August, and September currently depicts enhanced odds of warmer than normal temperatures. Meanwhile, the precipitation outlook for the same three-month time period places the region in an area of equal chances of above, near, or below normal precipitation totals (see the map). Continue reading

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Moth traps and southwestern corn borers

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As always, moth trapping data for the season can be found on the quick links menu ( We are now catching a few more corn earworm (bollworm) moths, but nothing too startling. However, it is clear that the second generation moth flight for southwestern corn borer is underway, and we will catch even more moths next week. Keep in mind that there is a lot of variation among locations. It can be a waste of money to treat for southwestern corn borers based on trap catches that are not near your fields. You should be running a few Continue reading

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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Last week’s rains positively affected crop and livestock conditions. Corn silking, cotton squaring, and soybeans blooming showed a significant increase from last week. Producers also took full advantage of breaks in the rain to harvest hay. The rains have provided excellent growing conditions for pastures. There were 5.0 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was 1 percent very short, 7 percent short, 78 percent adequate and 14 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture was 1 percent very short, 4 percent short, 82 percent adequate and 13 percent surplus. Continue reading at TN_07_05_17. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-07-05-2017.

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