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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Seemingly endless periods of no precipitation and high temperatures resulted in very dry conditions across the State last week. This weather did allow producers to make their first and, oftentimes, second cuttings of hay. Yields from the second cuttings are reported as normal to above normal. Crops made great progress while crop and pasture conditions showed some stress from last week’s weather. There were 6.5 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was 11 percent very short, 24 percent short, 61 percent adequate and 4 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture was 2 percent very short, 21 percent short, 73 percent adequate and 4 percent surplus. Continue reading at TN_07_24_17. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-07-24-2017.

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Dicamba Residue: What does ppb (parts per billion) mean in the field?

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I posed this question to my colleague Dr. Tom Mueller after receiving a lab report from a tissue sample submitted from a field that had suspected dicamba injury.  I wish to thank him for his thorough explanation which helps make sense of the report.  His response is below: Continue reading

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, and cotton were up; wheat was down for the week.

Since March 1st, September cash corn prices, in Tennessee, have traded between
$3.37 and $4.12, a range of 75 cents (for reported elevator and barge
point locations). Lower middle Tennessee has had the highest September
cash price offerings ($3.70 to $4.12) while Northwest Tennessee has had the lowest ($3.37 to $4.00). Currently, harvest cash prices are trading in the middle-to upper portion of this 5-month range ($3.72 to $4.01). Given the above average growing conditions
(91% of the corn crop in Tennessee is rated good-to-excellent) producers should consider pricing some additional production. Anticipated above average yields and prices (buoyed be drought concerns in the Northern plains) provide producers an excellent opportunity
to market additional crop at profitable levels. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Sugarcane Aphids in Sorghum

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Just a quick update … sugarcane aphids are now present statewide at some level, and there are some fields where treatment of grain, forage or sweet sorghum is needed. As for insecticide options, only Sivanto prime is labeled for use.  The label in grain and sweet sorghum allows application at rates up to 10.5 oz/acre, however, I suggest a rate of 4 oz/acre.  I’ve had excellent success with this rate.

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