Tennessee’s recommended wheat planting window (Oct 15-Nov 10) is right around the corner. The following are a few reminders that may help us achieve a decent stand going into this fall. Continue reading
Category Archives: Wheat
September 2013 Tennessee FSA Crop Acres Released
The Farm Service Agency updated their Tennessee certified acres for September and a summary of the planted and failed acres can be found at FSA TN Certified Acres 9 17 13. FSA will continue to make revisions to their certified acres as additional information becomes available. These acres are a major piece of the information used in factoring in the USDA acres in the USDA monthly reports. Continue reading
Control of Volunteer Corn Before Wheat Planting
The corn yields we have had here on the station as well as what I have heard of in farmer’s fields have been quite good. Even some of my weedy checks are making 160 bu/A! However, I know there are many drowned out areas in the corn that will lower the yield average and likely have stressed corn with small ears that will drop through the snap rollers. With many folks intending to plant wheat behind corn, volunteer corn will likely be a big problem this fall particularly in those areas. Continue reading
Wheat Insect Control Begins with Planting
General Comments: Much of this article is a blend and update of two articles written last year. Let me start by suggesting there are a lot of negatives and few positives of planting wheat prior to October in Tennessee. Continue reading
After Corn Harvest Palmer Control Options

Corn harvest has begun in some spots and will likely get rolling over a more general area toward the end of next week. As the combines cut corn they are often leaving behind a very green field of Palmer amaranth (Picture left). Moreover, it is not uncommon to find that areas of fields where the corn stand is thin, do to all the wet weather last spring, now have 3 to 6’ tall Palmer just now rolling into flowering. These pigweed need Continue reading
Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS
As reported by NASS on July 15, 2013
This past week farmers finished the wheat harvest. This season marks the latest wheat harvest since 1997, which tied this date with 98 percent harvested. Soybean planting was also wrapped up this past week, but soybean progress is about 2 weeks behind the 5 year average. Continue reading
Comments on the USDA Grain Stocks & Acreage Reports
Click on this link for Dr. Aaron Smith’s comments on the June 28 USDA Grain Stocks and Acreage Reports – http://economics.ag.utk.edu/news13.html. Continue reading
Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS
As reported by NASS on July 1, 2013
This past week was a peculiar one in regards to weather conditions, marked by spotted showers across the state. On average, farmers had five-and-a-half days suitable for field activity. Many farmers were active harvesting the wheat crop, with harvest jumping 39 percent from the previous week. Heavy wheat stands led to thick stubble which had to be burned in order for soybeans to be planted. Continue reading