Category Archives: Soybean

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 11, 2014


Farmers welcomed much-needed rains at the end of last week. These rains provided a shot in the arm to soybeans, corn and pastures. High temperatures early in the week assisted cotton growth. These same high temperatures caused some stress in cattle. Hay producers took advantage of the dry weather early in the week until they were forced out of the fields by rain. Continue reading at Crop Progress 8 10 14.

Post-Harvest Weed Control

Corn harvest will likely start toward the end of this month. As the corn dries down the next couple weeks expect a new flush of Palmer amaranth. Moreover, with all the rain the first week of August any thin corn stand areas will likely have a new heavy flush of Palmer amaranth.  Though no one wants to spend more money with corn commodity price so low, it will pay off next spring to have less Palmer amaranth to mange in soybean or cotton.  Continue reading

Corn and Soybean Field Day – Today (8/19/14)

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Don’t forget the UT corn and soybean field day today at the Research and Education Center in Milan (3 Ledbetter Rd, Milan, TN 38358). Registration opens at 9:00 and tour will be begin at 9:30 a.m and will conclude with lunch.

Information on corn and soybean diseases, insects, and weed management, as well as agronomic information will be presented. Pesticide re-certification and CCA CEUs will be available.

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 4, 2014


There is general consensus that a good, soaking rain is needed across most of the State to minimize plant and pasture stress. Even through these weather conditions, both corn and soybeans are expected to produce good yields. Cool temperatures last week limited heat units for cotton, causing some producer concern. Continue reading at Crop Progress 8 3 14.

Fall Armyworm in Double-Cropped Soybean

There have been several reports of fall armyworms in wheat beans. Fields with weedy grasses or volunteer wheat are especially prone to infestations. The larvae start out on grasses and move to soybean (usually after a herbicide application takes the grass out). However, fall armyworms can sometimes make an appearance even if the fields are not grassy. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on July 27, 2014


The past week was very favorable for field work. Rains varied greatly across the State, providing some crops with needed moisture while leaving others stressed. With temperatures remaining cooler than normal, however, cotton growers are still concerned that the crop will not receive adequate heat units. A good general rain is still needed in some parts of the State.  Continue reading at Crop Progress 7 27 14.

Insecticides – So Many Names!

By request, I am providing a list of active ingredients and trade names (see below). This does not include all examples. Feel free to make comments about other “generic” trade names you may be using. Please keep in mind that formulations may vary considerably, and thus, rates may need to be adjusted accordingly. Also, not all products be labeled for the same crops. It is your responsibility to follow instructions on the insecticide label. The information below is also available in UT’s insect control recommendations for field crops. Continue reading