Category Archives: Cotton

Dicamba Tank mixing with Glyphosate and/or Clethodim Effect on Junglrice Control

Xtend Cotton in a Junglerice field

The call of the spring and now well into the summer is on failed attempts to control junglerice and goosegrass in Xtend crops. The most recent rash of calls have been from very frustrated folks who have not controlled one of those grass species even after three applications of glyphosate and/or clethodim. Most of these failed applications are coming from tank mixing Engenia or XtendiMax in the tank with either glyphosate, clethodim, or both. Continue reading

Control Options for Prickly Sida that has Escaped Engenia or XtendiMax and Glyphosate

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Prickly Sida and Palmer amaranth escaping 22 oz of XtendiMax and 32 oz Roundup PM picture taken 28 DAA

There have been a good number of calls reporting poor prickly sida (teaweed) control with Engenia or XtendiMax tankmixed with Roundup PM.  I have seen prickly sida escape dicamba tankmixed with glyphosate in some research here at the station as well.   This appears to have been a building problem as I recall similar, though fewer, calls last year.  The lack of prickly sida control in the Xtend system has been building a seed bank that is apparently showing up in many fields this year. Continue reading

New Tactics Needed in Managing Weeds in Xtend Crops

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Palmer amaranth recovering 20 days after 12.8 oz Engenia and 32 oz Roundup PM

After more questions this past week on follow-up applications to remove Palmer amaranth, junglerice and goosegrass in Xtend crops it occurred to me we need a new thought process on weed management  with this technology. Roundup Ready soybeans came out in 1996 and cotton in 1998.  If we look back at the first three years with that technology, glyphosate was controlling every weed no matter the weed height. That Roundup Ready performance in the early years is still the expectation with Xtend technology. It has become abundantly clear, in year three, that Engenia or XtendiMax mixed with glyphosate is not providing even close to the level of weed control that glyphosate alone did back in it’s hay day.  Continue reading

Insect Calls of the Week (July 3, 2019)

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Clouded plant bug adult

Plant bugs … I’d classify the overall plant bug pressure in cotton as average, although we are seeing a few more clouded plant bugs than in recent years. Until bolls are present, count tarnished and clouded plant bugs the same. Once bolls are present, I suggest counting clouded plant bugs as equivalent to 1.5 tarnished plant bugs when making a treatment decision, primarily because clouded plant bugs are more inclined to feed on bolls.  As cotton begins blooming, Continue reading

Control Options for Palmer Amaranth that has Escaped Engenia or XtendiMax

Palmer recovering from 22 oz/A of XtendiMax applied 30 days ago

A number of folks in the past few days have asked about the best way to take out the Palmer amaranth that has lived through an Engenia or XtendiMax application. The answer depends upon the crop and if there is still time on the label to try to respray a labeled dicamba product. Continue reading

Tennessee Weather and Crop Progress Report

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The rain shortened week delayed the end of winter wheat harvest and thus double-crop soybean planting. Tobacco and hemp producers made some headway on setting their crops between rains. Limited field activities included applications of weed controls and nitrogen, and 2nd cuttings of hay. The persistent rains are positively affecting crops and pastures and heading off heat stress. Vegetables in the eastern part of the state have little to no insect pressure. There were 4.5 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was rated 8 percent short, 73 percent adequate, and 19 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 11 percent short, 75 percent adequate, and 14 percent surplus. Hay and roughage supplies were rated 4 percent very short, 15 percent short, 69 percent adequate, and 12 percent surplus. You can continue reading the entire report here:  TN Crop Weather 07_01_19. You can also view the latest U.S. crop condition report here: US Crop Progress 07_01_2019.