Plant bugs … I’d classify the overall plant bug pressure in cotton as average, although we are seeing a few more clouded plant bugs than in recent years. Until bolls are present, count tarnished and clouded plant bugs the same. Once bolls are present, I suggest counting clouded plant bugs as equivalent to 1.5 tarnished plant bugs when making a treatment decision, primarily because clouded plant bugs are more inclined to feed on bolls. As cotton begins blooming, Continue reading
Category Archives: Cotton
Control Options for Palmer Amaranth that has Escaped Engenia or XtendiMax
A number of folks in the past few days have asked about the best way to take out the Palmer amaranth that has lived through an Engenia or XtendiMax application. The answer depends upon the crop and if there is still time on the label to try to respray a labeled dicamba product. Continue reading
Tennessee Weather and Crop Progress Report
The rain shortened week delayed the end of winter wheat harvest and thus double-crop soybean planting. Tobacco and hemp producers made some headway on setting their crops between rains. Limited field activities included applications of weed controls and nitrogen, and 2nd cuttings of hay. The persistent rains are positively affecting crops and pastures and heading off heat stress. Vegetables in the eastern part of the state have little to no insect pressure. There were 4.5 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was rated 8 percent short, 73 percent adequate, and 19 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 11 percent short, 75 percent adequate, and 14 percent surplus. Hay and roughage supplies were rated 4 percent very short, 15 percent short, 69 percent adequate, and 12 percent surplus. You can continue reading the entire report here: TN Crop Weather 07_01_19. You can also view the latest U.S. crop condition report here: US Crop Progress 07_01_2019.
And away we go: Controlling cotton plant growth in 2019
This blog article covers a few things to keep in mind while managing cotton growth during the 2019 season. Continue reading
Reports of Sketchy Palmer Amaranth Control with Engenia and XtendiMax
There have been a good number of calls on sketchy Palmer amaranth control with a 12.8 oz/A of Engenia or 22 ozs/A of XtendiMax mixed with a quart/A of Roundup PowerMax. I visited a number of these fields last week and indeed anywhere from 14 to 20 days after application some Palmer amaranth were recovering. Continue reading
Call of the Week: Weeds, Weeds, Weeds
In this week’s podcast, Dr. Larry Steckel recaps highlights from the annual Weed Tour and addresses weed questions he has received this week. Listen.
Insect Issues This Week (6-20-19)
Catchy title eh? No major insect problems are occurring on a wide basis, but the phone is ringing more frequently about several issues. Continue reading
Managing Early Season Plant Bugs in Cotton
Good early-season management of tarnished plant bugs relies on a sweep net, monitoring square retention, and making timely insecticide applications as needed. During the first two weeks of squaring, the recommended treatment threshold is an average of 8 or more plant bugs per 100 sweeps. After that, treatment is recommended anytime of infestations average 15 or more plant bugs per 100 sweeps Continue reading