Although pressure is currently below average, it is increasing, which is to be expected as we enter the early blooming window. We have limited but good options to control plant bugs in blooming cotton. I often tell folks that if you call me once bloom starts, I’ll often only mention 4-5 products, sometimes in combination. Those include Acephate/Orthene, Diamond, Transform, and Bidrin. Vydate also gets and honorable mention. These are the core products suggested for mid-season plant bug control. Below are some treatment options I like, in no particular order. However, Continue reading
Category Archives: Cotton
UT Extension Hires New Farm Management Specialist
UT Extension is happy to welcome Mr. Christopher R. Narayanan to an Area Farm Management Specialist position that covers eight counties in West Tennessee. Chris joined a team of nine area specialists that serve Tennessee farmers and families with expertise in farm and financial management on July 1st. Continue reading
Scott Stewart Named Director of West TN AgResearch & Education Center
Scott Stewart will assume the role of Director of the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center on October 1, 2020, following the retirement of current Center Director Bob Hayes. Read the full announcement.
Linking visual cotton auxin injury to yield penalties
Information regarding cotton management following an off-target auxin event has been requested by several producers in our area. This blog briefly covers factors which can impact the yield penalties associated with auxin injury and best management practices after the injury occurs. Continue reading
Strategies to Address Palmer amaranth, junglerice and goosegrass Escapes from Follow-up Applications in Xtend and Enlist Crops.

Calls continue from some folks frustrated with goosegrass, junglerice and Palmer amaranth escapes after a dicamba + glyphosate application. A large reason for the frustration is the follow-up applications have often provided less control than hoped. Timing is the cause for some of these poor weed control issues. Herbicide resistance is another cause. Continue reading
Call of the Week: Hot Topics with Larry Steckel & Scott Stewart
Weed management is dominating calls to UT Extension specialists this week. Larry Steckel answers those frequently asked questions in this episode. Scott Stewart joins him to discuss insect management issues to look out for as we enter July. Listen.
Concerns About Poor Palmer Amaranth Control with Dicamba

Calls continue to come in on concerns about poor Palmer amaranth control after a dicamba application. More than a few have reported that Palmer amaranth has survived multiple dicamba + glyphosate applications (Example above). Continue reading
A Brief Insect Update (June 25, 2020)

It’s been a generally quite week for insect problem but below are some reminders and suggestions.
Cotton: Most cotton is past the stage where thrips are a concern. Tarnished plant bugs will now be our primary focus for much of the season. Thus far, most reports indicate a slow and sporadic start with plant bugs, but treatments are now being made more widely. However tempting, I encourage people to avoid using Continue reading