Category Archives: Cotton

2020/2021 Wheat Data (County Standardized Trials)

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A great big THANK YOU to our County Agents and cooperating growers for getting in and out this year’s County Standardized Trials Wheat Test.  With Covid ramped up last fall, we had fewer entries into our trials because of issues with supply and workers in the warehouses.  I was happy to see such good yields across the state for a lot of growers.  Looking at our plant dates, early planted wheat had an advantage over planting middle to the latter part of November.  We had a few scares across the northern counties with the late freeze, and across much of the state during grain fill we were cooler and wetter than desired.  Our target varieties seem to be more tolerant to these stressors and in most cases, overcame.

The table below has the results from 8 County Trials, testing 13 varieties.  Our average range in yield was from 62 bushel to 131 bushel per acre with an overall average of 94 bu/ac.  UT recommendations are to select varieties in the “A” group as our top performers.

-MS (mean separation) Varieties with the same letter are not significantly different

-Orange Blocks show varieties’ yield above the location’s average

-% ≥ Avg. is the % of locations that variety is at or above the field 2021 wheat

Click on table for a full PDF


Dicamba and 2,4-D: No longer “Palmer amaranth Herbicides” in Some Fields

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Picture 1. Palmer amaranth escapes 18 days after 12.8 ozs Engenia+ 32 ozs glyphosate. A farmer’s field, Lauderdale county, TN

For the past week we have been getting reports along with a good many pictures of Palmer amaranth escaping dicamba application/s from retailers and consultants scouting fields (Picture 1 and 2).  As one retailer so aptly described it today “there are spots in fields where the lack of Palmer control is frightening”. Continue reading

More Reports of Barnyardgrass/Junglerice Escaping Glyphosate and/or Clethodim

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There have been several reports last week of multiple glyphosate and/or clethodim applications not controlling barnyardgrass or junglerice.  We really do not know the precise reasons for the lack of control in any given field but based on previous research and past experience there are three likely causes. Continue reading

Early season plant growth regulator applications and plant bugs

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Finally, after 40 some odd days, our crop appears to be growing.  Scattered rainfall earlier this week (June 29th and June 30th) helped but most showers were hit-or-miss.  Today (July 1st), however, the rainfall across the area has been widespread.  The crop has been waiting on this rain and I expect it will begin growing very rapidly by the end of this weekend.  With rapid growth and an increase in number and size of squares, expect plant growth regulator (PGR) and insecticide applications targeting plant bugs to be required in the immediate future. In this blog, I cover a few points on PGR application timing and products, as well as provide some insight from Dr. Scott Stewart on our best options for plant bug control prior to bloom and immediately after bloom. Continue reading

Managing a late cotton crop

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In the past 10 days, the TN cotton crop appears to have turned the corner.  Still, most all our acres classify as ‘late’, with the majority of the crop planted after the 15th of May.  That in itself isn’t too troubling, but the failure of late May and early June to provide any decent growing conditions delayed our crop even more.  A long fall would correct most all issues, but I’ve not had much luck slowing time or changing the weather.  Fortunately, we can take a few management strategies in the coming weeks to partially mitigate our painfully slow start to this season.  In this blog, I highlight management decisions in three areas that can help us emphasize earliness- fertility, plant growth and plant bugs. Continue reading

Post-Direct Applied Herbicide Applications in Cotton

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Palmer amaranth escapes after sequential POST dicamba + glyphosate applications in 2020

Some of the earlier planted cotton fields will soon be entering the true “laying it by” application timing.  Given that some in 2020 were not successful spraying the same Palmer amaranth or junglerice multiple times with glyphosate + dicamba going back to an “old school” layby is a good plan. Continue reading

Reminder: UT Weed Tour (This Wednesday June 16, 2021)

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JACKSON, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture will host the annual Weed Tour on Wednesday, June 16 at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center. The guided tour will feature 60 weed management research tests in corn, soybean and cotton as well as a demonstration of herbicide symptomology. Continue reading

Managing Dicamba or Enlist One Resistant Palmer Amaranth

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(Picture 1) 20 DAA: Palmer amaranth escapes from 22 ozs XtendiMax + 16 ozs Clethodim + 32 ozs glyphosate applied on 1 to 4″ weeds

Judging from research tests and walking a few farmers’ fields many of the PRE applied herbicides in soybean and cotton played out about a week or so ago.  Timing is everything on trying to do the best job on Palmer amaranth that has broken through the PREs.  With respect to Palmer amaranth that has low-level dicamba or 2,4-D resistance (2 to 3x), timing is even more important.  Moreover, herbicide selection is also critical in controlling resistant Palmer. Continue reading