Category Archives: Cotton

Reminder- please complete the UTIA/TDA 2024 Environmental Stewardship Survey!

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Dear Tennessee Producer:

We invite you to participate in a study conducted by University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture researchers along with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. The purpose of this survey is to demonstrate the progress Tennessee farmers are making towards environmental stewardship.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary. NO personal information or data is collected.

Click the link below to begin the survey:

Please contact us if you have any other questions about the survey. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help us!

Thank you for your time,

Dr. Chris Boyer (

Dr. Aaron Smith (

Dr. Forbes Walker (

UT Institute of Agriculture, The University of Tennessee Knoxville

John McClurkan (

Tennessee Department of Agriculture

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Lily Weed Family Burndown

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Blue flowers distinguish grape hyacinth from wild garlic

There have been questions on control of wild garlic, grape hyacinth and in a few cases, star-of-Bethlehem. These three weeds, in the Lily family, are often mistaken for each other as they all derive from bulbs and are low-growing perennials. Continue reading

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Converting Between Mehlich 1 and 3 Soil Test Values for West Tennessee Soils

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Most of the commercial and state soil testing laboratories in and around Tennessee use and prescribe fertilizer recommendations based on Mehlich 3 soil test extraction method. Most growers may receive soil test results from laboratories that utilizes Mehlich 3 soil test extraction method. However, The University of Tennessee gives fertilizer recommendations based on the Mehlich 1 extractant. This makes it difficult for growers to take advantage of The University of Tennessee fertilizer recommendations. Currently, the Mehlich 1 and 3 conversion equations used in TN were derived from the University of Kentucky, which were based on Kentucky soils (Table 1). Continue reading

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Cotton Focus TODAY (Wednesday) Feb 7th at 8AM at WTREC

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The 2024 Cotton Focus Event is TODAY, Wednesday, Feb. 7th starting at 8AM.  We have a great lineup of speakers. CCA, Master Row Crop, and Commercial Applicator Points will be available.  Lunch will be provided by Tulum.  Please find a copy of the agenda below.  Look forward to seeing you there! 

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Agenda set for 2024 Cotton Focus, NEXT WEDNESDAY Feb 7th @8AM

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I am happy to report the agenda for the 2024 Cotton Focus has been set and we have a very informative lineup. We will start the morning out with a Cotton Specialist Roundtable with Dr. Brian Pieralisi (MS), Mr. Tyler Sandlin (AL), and Dr. Bradley Wilson (MO) discussing their season observations, tips for 2024, and things they will be watching over the coming year.  Next, we will have Dr. Thomas Ducey with USDA from Florence, SC discussing the emerging field of Biologicals- you will not want  to miss his section!  Our late morning section will include the always valuable updates from Dr. Lori Duncan, Dr. Aaron Smith, Dr. Sebe Brown, Dr. Larry Steckel, Dr. Nutifafa Adotey and Dr. Heather Kelly.  Finally, we will close out the meeting with a catered lunch from Tulum.  Pesticide and CCA points will be available.  Looking forward to seeing each of you there!


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