Category Archives: Corn

Destroying a Poor Stand of Corn and Replanting Back to Corn

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Judging from recent conversations there will be a significant number of corn acres that will need to be replanted.  The long cold and wet spell apparently has greatly hindered getting a good stand in some corn fields. Fortunately, there are several options to control a thin corn stand and replant back to corn.

The options, like Select Max, need a waiting period before it can be planted back to corn.  Others, like tankmixes of paraquat plus atrazine, allow corn to be replanted right away.  Please find attached the results of a study Angela McClure and I conducted on destroying freeze damaged corn and replanting back to corn. We repeated the study the following year on a good stand of corn and got similar results. In this publication (Replanting corn in a failed corn stand) you will find a number of different herbicide options that did a good job controlling an unwanted stand of corn.

Many over the past decade have used the recommendations to satisfactory results.  The most consistent time to control an old corn stand is around the V2 corn growth stage, which was the timing the research was conducted.  Our experience has been over the years that once the old corn stand matures past V2, results from the herbicides in the publication will likely be more sketchy.  In those cases, consider using higher rates of the herbicides in the publication to improve the chance for good control.


Poa and Ryegrass Causing Burndown Issues

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Poor control of poa (annual bluegrass) and ryegrass have been the common calls of late.  This is becoming more common every spring.  It would appear that an increasing portion of the poa and ryegrass populations in Tennessee has evolved some level (2 to 4x) of glyphosate resistance.

Poa Escaping Roundup PM + Sterling Blue 14 DAA

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Thinking About Insect Pests During Planting Season

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Black cutworm and cut cotton plant

There are some basic management practices that can affect, sometimes worsen, and other times be used to reduce risks of insect pest injury. Below, I’ve included some observations and suggestions for your consideration.

As a general rule of thumb (but not universally true), no-till production increases the risk of some problems including pests like cutworm, threecornered alfalfa hopper, slugs, and several below ground pests (e.g., wireworms and white grubs). Of course, tillage is not an option in most areas of Tennessee. Thus, most entomologists suggest Continue reading

Field Crop Insect Management Recommendations (PB 1768) Available Online

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The 2020 version of PB 1768, Insect Management Recommendations for Field Crops (and pasture), is now available. The guide has gone through substantial revision this year and closely matches the content on the mobile friendly Disease and Insect Field Guides at Hard copies will be available soon and distributed through county extension offices and at various educational meetings.

Tennessee Certified Pesticide Applicator Recertification, Dicamba and Paraquat Training in 2020.

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Tennessee Certified Pesticide Applicators must take recertification training in 2020. The recertification training is good for three years. In addition, those who will be spraying Engenia, Tavium, FeXapam or XtendiMax on Xtend crops must take dicamba training in 2020. A new addition from the EPA will be the requirement that anyone who purchases, mixes or applies a paraquat-containing herbicide to take the “How to Safely Use and Handle Paraquat-Containing Products” training module. Continue reading