Many questions continue to be asked on how best to manage grass in cotton. The sketchy performance of glyphosate on goosegrass, junglerice and Johnsongrass in 2018 is the main driver of these questions. Continue reading
All posts by Larry Steckel, Extension Weed Specialist
UT Weed Tour June 19
Dear Colleagues,
The University of Tennessee Weed Tour will be held Wednesday, June 19 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson, TN (605 Airways Blvd). Registration will start at 8:30 A.M. and the tour will begin at 9:00 A.M. It will end about 11:30. We will have breakfast biscuits available before the tour starts. Continue reading
Management of Johnsongrass Escapes
Questions continue to arise on management of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Johnsongrass in corn, soybean and cotton. GR Johnsongrass continues to become more of an issue with each passing year. The main threat with Johnsongrass is in corn where there are few POST applied options. Continue reading
Ryegrass and Poa Management in Corn
Clearly this year, many are having trouble managing ryegrass and poa. Questions began months ago and continue today and have ranged from tactics to burn them down before planting to how to control them in a standing corn crop. What has become abundantly clear is that glyphosate is no longer an effective burn down option for either species across much of the state. Continue reading
Does adding glyphosate to low-volatile dicamba formulations increase volatility?
All week we have discussed UTIA’s latest research on low-volatile dicamba formulations. We will end this series of blog posts with one of the first questions asked by TN soybean producers: Does adding glyphosate to low-volatile dicamba formulations increase its chances of moving outside the treated field via volatility? Continue reading
Effect of pH Modifiers on pH of Dicamba+Roundup PM Mixtures
Tennessee soybean growers asked my colleague, Dr. Tom Mueller, and me to vet some of the directions on the XtendiMax and Engenia labels. In this third post we examine the ability of three pH modifiers approved on the Engenia label to raise spray tank pH. Continue reading
AMS or Glyphosate Mixed with the Low-Volatile Dicamba Formulations – Which One Lowers Spray Tank pH the Most?
This is the second in a series of blogs on research that Dr. Tom Mueller and I did to examine some of the directions on the XtendiMax and Engenia labels. In the second test, we examined the effect on spray solution pH when AMS was added to Engenia or XtendiMax, with or without glyphosate. Continue reading
Effect on Tank-Mixture pH when Glyphosate is Added to Either XtendiMax or Engenia
With the off-target dicamba movement in recent years, Tennessee soybean growers asked my colleague, Dr. Tom Mueller, and me to vet some of the directions on the XtendiMax and Engenia labels. The goal was to come up with information to help mitigate off-target dicamba. In a series of blog posts this week, we will share our most current findings. Continue reading