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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on April 23, 2012 



Corn planting reached almost 90 percent last week and growers reported that all that remains are some bottom land and silage fields. Normally, less than half the corn acreage is planted by this period of time. Soybean planting has started, but most producers commented that they would not get underway in earnest until May 1. Recent freeze damage assessment was in progress at week’s end. Nurseries, vineyards, and orchards have been hit hardest. Freeze damage appears to have been minimal for the corn, wheat, and strawberry crops. Tennessee’s wheat, corn, strawberries and pastures were reported to be in mostly good-to-excellent condition. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Cotton and soybean prices are mixed while corn and wheat prices are down for the week. The June U.S. Dollar Index is trading midday at 79.31, down .75 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average at midday was up 185 points for the week at 13,035. Crude Oil traded before the close at 103.68 a barrel, up 0.36 a barrel for the week. News from Argentina’s Agriculture Ministry project that corn and soybean production there will be less than earlier thought. USDA may reduce Argentina’s production in the May report although a possible increase in Brazil and the Ukraine’s corn production could offset any corn reductions. Continue reading

Issues with Ryegrass in Corn

Ryegrass Burndown Escapes in Corn

Several corn fields had ryegrass escape glyphosate + dicamba early burndown.  These fields were then retreated with paraquat + atrazine or glyphosate + atrazine at planting that also did not provide good control (picture right).  The time to control ryegrass is prior to planting.  The most consistent way to control it is sequential paraquat applications spaced Continue reading

Slugs in Corn and Other Crops; Armyworms in Corn

Slugs.  There have been a few calls about slug feeding in corn, and I would expect some similar calls in other crops as they emerge. Slugs, unlike snails, lack shells and commonly feed on plants. They feed on leaves and sometimes cut the stems of cotton or soybean seedlings similar to cutworms. Snails rarely cause economic damage to field crops, and the ones typically encountered do not even feed on the plants. There are no Continue reading

Fomesafen Carryover in Corn Update

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Fomesafen Carryover Symptoms - Veinal Chlorosis

The call of the last 10 days continues to be concerns on fomesafen carryover in corn.  I had an opportunity to walk a number of these fields this week. The corn was showing the characteristic corn leaf vein chlorosis (picture right) caused by fomesafen carryover. It is not a real surprise as it is well known that fomesafen applied within 10 months of corn planting can carry over into corn.  This has not happened often over the last several years because the summers/falls were wet compared to 2011.  Wet soils will readily break down fomesafen.  Another reason this has not happened in the last several years is due to Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on April 17, 2012

FIELDWORK AND CROP DEVELOPMENT AT RECORD PROGRESS LEVELS. Corn planting continued at a blistering pace last week and early hay and strawberry harvests began. The wheat crop was in the heading stage. These development events at week’s end were at a record rate that is a full three weeks ahead of the five-year average tempo. Many corn growers reported that they were completely finished planting. Tennessee’s wheat crop and pastures continued in good-to-excellent condition. Continue reading

The Bug Front is Mostly Quiet

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Armyworms in Wheat – Unlike some areas to our south, there have been very few calls on armyworms.  Granted, many people included an insecticide with their fungicide, but the few reports of those that didn’t indicate that armyworms are not an issue.  I have not found armyworms in the wheat at the Jackson experiment station.  Dr. Angus Catchot did an excellent podcast about the treatment threshold for armyworms in Mississippi, which is essentially the same as ours (link here).  Cereal leaf beetles also Continue reading

Corn Crop-Next Step Nitrogen

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With corn out of the ground, one of our next steps is to get layby nitrogen on the crop. Nitrogen seems to be in good supply but price has gone up on urea, and delivery for some sources has been a little slow due to heavy demand around the U.S.   Some things to consider with nitrogen are rate and timing of material and the value of a stabilizer material.   Continue reading