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Late Spring Irrigation Information

Irrigation information is provided in this article for corn, including amounts to apply during the reproductive stages.  Typically, corn will produce tassels about 60 days after emergence and it takes about 60 more days to go from silking to black layer or physiological maturity.  Water needs increase dramatically through the grain fill period and taper off closer to black layer.  Continue reading

Liberty applied 1/2 hour after sunrise

The Early Bird May Get The Worm, But Not The Weeds

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Does time of day have an influence on how well Liberty controls Palmer amaranth? That is a question we had as a result of some field observations last year. Typically we see good control of Palmer pigweed that is less than 6 inches tall with Liberty.  However, from time to time we have noted inconsistent control of Palmer pigweed greater than 6 inches tall where time of application seem to be the only difference. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on May 21, 2012

COTTON AND SOYBEAN PLANTING CONTINUES.  Taking advantage of good planting weather, farmers continued with cotton and soybean planting in anticipation of weekend rains. Although some rainfall was received, most could still use a good soaking rain to help emerged crops develop. Over one-third of wheat crop is ripe, and farmers are readying combines for an early harvest possibly starting in the Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn and wheat prices are up; cotton and soybean prices down for the week. The June U.S. Dollar Index is trading midday at 81.45, up 1.05 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was down 405 points for the week at 12,416. Crude Oil traded before the close at 92.07 a barrel, down 3.58 a barrel for the week. The European Union financial crisis and its effect of strengthening the Dollar have been weighed this week against weather concerns. The dollar strengthened this week as troubles in both the political and financial arenas continued in Greece with concern that other countries will also be affected. This has been an ongoing saga throughout the year. Continue reading