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Threecornered Alfalfa Hoppers – Soybean and Cotton

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Threecornered alfalfa hopper adult

Phone calls about threecornered alfalfa hopper (TCAH) have ballooned this week.  Tennessee is on the northern edge of their distribution, so we sometimes see low populations in early season following a harsh winter.  But with the mild winter last year, TCAH appear to be off to an early start.  These insects have piercing-sucking mouthparts and will feed in a circular pattern (girdle) around stems and Continue reading

Preparing for Plant Bugs

As our earliest cotton is beginning to square, below are a few bullet points to remember.  We need to be especially alert considering the unusual season we have had thus far.  There almost certainly has been an extra generation of tarnished plant bugs give the early spring we had this year.

  1. Initially, the heaviest tarnished plant bug infestations are often concentrated in Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on May 29, 2012


Wheat harvest has begun! Producers report that this start is among the earliest they recall. Great harvest weather, however, does not spell good planting and crop development. Dry conditions persisted last week leading to a near halt in planting the remainder of the cotton and soybean crops. All crops, however, continue to be rated in mostly good condition. Corn, at week’s end, was showing some signs of dry weather stress. Thrips continue to be reported in cotton and soybean fields. Continue reading

Here Come the Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles are getting more and more numerous, and like a lot of insects this year, populations are ahead of schedule.  Japanese beetles will feed in corn, soybean and cotton.  These showy beetles often hang out in groups and draw a lot of attention.  Fortunately, they only occasionally cause yield loss in field crops.  The beetles will feed on Continue reading

Aflaguard for Aflatoxin Prevention in Corn

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With the continuing dry weather, I have had more inquiries about the use of Aflaguard as an aflatoxin preventative.  Aflatoxin is more likely to develop in fields with a history of the disease where conditions are hot and dry at silking.  Planting early, good fertility and using Bt hybrids to reduce insect stress on the crop can help reduce the chances for developing the disease.  Unfortunately, this year planting early has not guaranteed us good moisture and temperatures are already running high for May so there is real concern among grain producers.

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Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Prices are through Thursday, May 24, 2012. Corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat prices are all down for the week through Thursday. The June U.S. Dollar Index closed at 82.49, up 0.84 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Thursday at 12,530, up 161 points since last Friday. Crude Oil closed at 90.81 a barrel, down 0.99 a barrel for the week. The market’s overall bearish tone this week has been focusing on the dollar and the weather along with talk of Chinese cancellations of sales of corn and soybeans. Continue reading