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Drought Related Beef Cattle Management Decisions

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The link below is a slide set put together by Kevin Ferguson, UT Extension Area Specialist-Farm Management and contains farm management information for drought related beef cattle management decisions including a culling strategy, tax implications, and the three biggest mistakes made by cattlemen.

Drought Related Beef Cattle Management Decisions Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on June 25, 2012


The high pressure system holding over Tennessee caused a continuation of the hot and dry weather last week. Virtually all of the featured weather stations across the state now show considerable precipitation deficits indicating moderate drought conditions. Soil moisture reports indicate that moisture levels in the state were 60 percent short to very short in West Tennessee, 80 percent short to very short in Middle Tennessee, and 70 percent short to very short in East Tennessee. The effects of the extended dry spell on crops have begun to show, but most crops continue to be rated in fair-to-good condition. Corn development remains well ahead of normal with seventy percent in the silking stage, but plants are twisting in many areas. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Prices are reported as of Thursday, June 21, 2012. Corn, soybean, and wheat prices are up while cotton prices are down for the week through Thursday. The September U.S. Dollar Index closed Thursday at 82.49, up 0.52 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 12,574, down 251 points today and 193 points since last Friday. Crude Oil closed at 78.20 a barrel, down 6.13 a barrel for the week. It may sound like a broken record, but weather and the Dollar are the main influences on the market this week. Continue reading

Southwestern Corn Borer Flight Begins

Based on moth trap catches, the second generation flight of southwestern corn borers (SWCB) is already beginning at some locations.  This second generation will pose a threat to non-Bt corn and an even greater threat to any relatively late planted corn.  This threat will be mostly isolated to places where there was a substantial first generation moth flight. Continue reading