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Large Palmer Control After Corn Harvest

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3' tall palmer after corn harvest

As the combines cut corn they are often leaving behind a very green field of Palmer amaranth (Picture right). It is not uncommon to find that areas of fields where the corn died early from drought stress have 3 to 6’ tall Palmer in them just now rolling into flowering.  These pigweed need to be destroyed as soon as possible.  Continue reading

SDS or Foliar Burn in Soybean??

For those still intending to apply a foliar fungicide to soybean, if you are using a triazole or triazole-containing product please be careful about the additives you include.  Some folks are reporting foliar leaf burn very similar in appearance to Sudden Death Syndrome (yellow to brown areas between leaf veins).  Injury seems to be the result of adding additional products (crop oil, glyphosate, micronutrients, some insecticides) not required on the fungicide label, to a triazole product.  The hot weather we have been experiencing may be making the situation worse. Continue reading

What the Heck is This?

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Meet the caterpillar stage of the silver spotted skipper (Epargyreus clarus).  It is not uncommon to catch a few of these while sweeping soybean fields for insects.  Although the larva is a foliage feeder, it is not really considered a pest because it rarely, if ever, occurs in numbers high enough to cause Continue reading

Crop Progress


Corn for grain harvest has begun and roughly a third of the corn crop is physiologically mature. Except for corn, all crops remain in fair-to-good condition. A few parts of the state, especially West Tennessee still need a soaking rain. Soybeans have begun to drop leaves but most of the crop is blooming and setting pods. Even though dry conditions have persevered in some areas of the state, pastures continued to green-up and rebound. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Soybean prices are up, corn and wheat prices are mixed and cotton prices are down for the week. The September U.S. Dollar Index before the close was 82.64 up 0.19 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was 13,173, up 77 points since last Friday. Crude Oil before the close was 93.12 a barrel, up 1.72 a barrel for the week. USDA reported their monthly numbers today and while not containing any major surprises did have a few minor ones. On the whole this report is neutral for corn and wheat, friendly to soybeans and bearish cotton. Continue reading