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Fungicidal Seed Treatments for Wheat

Fungicidal seed treatments for wheat have been previously recommended in Tennessee and this year is no different. Pathogens residing in or on the seed or in the soil can survive adverse environmental conditions such as drought and winter temperatures by forming survival structures or lying dormant until favorable environmental conditions return.  Hence the drought during 2012 will not reduce the risk posed by seed or soil borne pathogens. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on September 17, 2012


Corn and hay harvest were still going strong last week but were accompanied by the start of soybean and cotton harvests. Dark tobacco harvest continued to run behind schedule. Growers reported struggling to get the heavy leaves into the barn. Scarcity of labor has also contributed to the delay. Cotton was opening with defoliation underway. The soybean crop was filling pods nicely. Pastures were in good condition for this time of year but weedy. Insects, particularly armyworms, were present. Continue reading

Quarantine Restrictions for Fire Ants and Hay Movement

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I received a request from Dr. Marty Draper (NIFA, National Program Leader, Divisions of Plant Systems).  He was asked to help get the word out about concerns for moving fire ants from quarantine areas in hay that is being sold into drought stricken areas of the country that may be vulnerable to fire ant establishment, Continue reading

Profitability Outlook – 2013

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This table should be used as a guide as yields, prices, and expenses will vary among producers and locations. This table is a look at the start of the 2013 planning process as wheat seeding will soon be upon us. Yields are average yields for Tennessee with prices adjusted for the 2013 production year. Expenses will vary among producers and production systems. Continue reading