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Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Wheat prices are up with corn, cotton and soybean prices down for the week. The U.S. Dollar Index traded at 81.09 before the close, up 0.41 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was 12,793 down 300 points for the week. Crude Oil was trading at 86.08 a barrel, up 1.22 a barrel for the week. USDA released a bearish monthly supply and demand report today. A stronger Dollar and weak stock market also played into the overall negative effect on commodities. Continue reading

Comments on the USDA Supply & Demand Report

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In today’s report, a few adjustments were made to the old crop numbers more or less squaring them up as ending stocks were left at 988 million bushels. For the current marketing year of 2012/13, planted and harvested acreage were unchanged as adjustments there will be made in the January 11, 2013 report. There is some speculation that harvested acreage will be reduced to reflect corn that went to silage. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on November 5, 2012


 Farmers made a great deal of progress harvesting cotton and soybeans last week as they took advantage of the excellent weather. Growers also accomplished a considerable amount of wheat seeding, with about three-quarters of the acreage seeded at week’s end. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn and wheat prices are up; cotton and soybean prices are down the week. The U.S. Dollar Index traded at 80.68 before the close, up 0.52 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was 13,123 up 16 points for the shortened trading week. Crude Oil was trading at 84.80 a barrel, down 1.48 a barrel for the week. Continue reading

Soybean Crop Pretty Impressive

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After a rough start in a year which had a severe impact on our corn crop, the soybean crop is actually looking pretty impressive.  More folks are reporting above normal yields and very decent wheat bean yields.  I have several soybean trials at the Milan REC which was a dust bowl in late June but started getting good rains from July onward– and we are pulling 60 and 70 bushel yields in non-irrigated fields.  This is very good news for producers who are following a grim corn harvest.  Statewide the soybean crop is close to 70% harvested and it looks like we will have favorable weather to finish on-time this fall.

2013 UT Cotton Focus Meeting

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The annual UT Cotton Focus meeting will be held at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson on the morning of Thursday, February 14.  We expect a full schedule of speakers covering important topics related to cotton production.  Please mark your calendars!