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Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on June 17, 2013



Farmers took advantage of good weather conditions across the state last week and finally began to harvest the wheat crop. Even with 11 percent of the wheat crop being harvested this past week, harvest is still about two weeks behind the five year average. The wheat conditions have been good throughout the spring, but lodging has caused some yield issues. Farmers were also busy switching over from corn to soybeans in fields that had been flooded and needed to be replanted. Continue reading

Weed Management in Late Planted Corn

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It appears there will be a great deal of late May and June planted corn in Tennessee this year. Temperatures are beginning to warm up, and this late planted corn will grow very quickly.  Moreover the Palmer amaranth with this weather can emerge and grow to 8” in just 13 days. Therefore if this late planted corn does not have a pre emerge applied it will need to be sprayed soon. Continue reading

Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Becoming a Bigger Issue in Middle TN

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We are getting questions from folks in Middle Tennessee now on how to control severe infestations of Palmer amaranth 6 to 8” tall in Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans. This is a big milestone because Palmer amaranth could not be found as recently as 2008 and 2009 in several surveys we ran in Middle TN.  Continue reading