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Kudzu Bugs Now in Middle and West Tennessee

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KudzuBug-adult good croppedKudzu bugs have recently expanded their range into more intensive soybean production areas including Middle Tennessee (Lincoln Co.) and West Tennessee (Shelby Co.).  I’m sure other, low infestations levels have gone undetected and may primarily be occurring on kudzu (as opposed to soybean).  The map below shows the current distribution of this pest.  Please report any new county finds to your local County Extension Agent.  There is a lot a good information about the management of kudzu bugs in soybean at

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Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on July 29, 2013


The cotton crop, at week’s end, remained rated in mostly good-to-excellent condition, despite development being over two weeks behind schedule. Cotton’s slow development this season can be mostly attributed to cool, wet, weather conditions. All other major crops remained in mostly good-to-excellent condition. Pastures are in good-to-excellent condition, with rapid growth reported. Continue reading

Scouting and Sampling Frogeye Leaf Spot in Soybean

The rain that most of Tennessee has been receiving benefits not only soybeans but also soybean diseases and in particular, frogeye leaf spot. This disease has become more concerning with strains of the pathogen (Cercospora sojina) developing resistance to fungicides in the strobilurin (quinone outside inhibitor – QoI) fungicide group. Continue reading