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Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on September 3, 2013


Corn harvest for grain began on a limited scale last week, well behind both last year and the 5-year average. Despite the delay, producers are happy with early yields. Hot, dry weather across the state resulted in 6.5 days suitable for field work. Row crops are rated in good-to-excellent condition and, despite cotton development being behind, producers expect strong yields. Continue reading

Soybean Rust Update

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Soybean rust (SBR) has not been confirmed in Tennessee. Samples collected from soybean sentinel plots this past week across the southern border of middle and western Tennessee have all been negative for soybean rust. Although SBR has not been found, there is a high probability that it has entered Tennessee at a low level due the increase in SBR in northeastern Alabama. Continue reading

UT Cotton Tour September 4th

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The Annual UT Cotton Tour is scheduled for the morning of Wednesday, September 4th at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson.  The program will begin with registration at 8:30 with the field tour beginning at 9:00 AM.  It will end with lunch.  There is no cost, and preregistration is not required.  Pesticide re-certification points and CEUs for Certified Crop Advisers will be available. Look for more details in future announcements, but this is your chance to learn the latest in variety selection, irrigation, fertility, pest management and the market outlook.

After Corn Harvest Palmer Control Options

3' tall palmer after corn harvest
3′ tall palmer after corn harvest

Corn harvest has begun in some spots and will likely get rolling over a more general area toward the end of next week.  As the combines cut corn they are often leaving behind a very green field of Palmer amaranth (Picture left). Moreover, it is not uncommon to find that areas of fields where the corn stand is thin, do to all the wet weather last spring, now have 3 to 6’ tall Palmer  just now rolling into flowering.  These pigweed need Continue reading

Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on August 26, 2013


This past week farmers across the state received a slight reprieve from the rain, with an average of 5 days being suitable for field work. Cotton received some much needed heat units, although the crop still lags almost two weeks behind normal development. All crops remain in good-to-excellent condition. Continue reading