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How Does Wheat Profitability Stack Up?

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In Tennessee, today (October 15th) marks the beginning of the recommended planting window of October 15th – November 10th. With harvest on all crops starting later than normal, it will be a busy Fall, particularly if wheat is going to be seeded. Producers interested in wheat should have already developed their wheat production plan. Continue reading

Soybean Rust Update

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The newest find of soybean rust is from Rutherford County.  Soybean rust pustules were present on 19 of 50 leaves, with an overall severity of 4%.  Rutherford is the fifth county in TN that has had a confirmed soybean rust report (others are Giles, Shelby, Madison, and Cannon Counties).

While most soybean sentinel plots have already matured, soybean rust will continued to be monitored for the next couple of weeks.  Any positive observation will be reported here on, the website, and the UT Rust Hot Line (1-877-875-2326).

Soybean Rust Update

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Soybean rust was found today in Madison County in a soybean research trial at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson.  Only 3 leaves of 50 that were examined contained 3 to 6 sporulating pustules (on each leaf), indicating very low severity and that spores were likely deposited in the area 2 to 3 weeks previously. Continue reading

Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on September 30, 2013


At times, active field crop harvest, which still lags behind last year, was slowed due to scattered showers. However, these same showers helped green up otherwise dry pastures. For the portions of crops that have been harvested, producers are reporting above average yields. Continue reading

September 2013 Tennessee FSA Crop Acres Released

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The Farm Service Agency updated their Tennessee certified acres for September and a summary of the planted and failed acres can be found at FSA TN Certified Acres 9 17 13. FSA will continue to make revisions to their certified acres as additional information becomes available. These acres are a major piece of the information used in factoring in the USDA acres in the USDA monthly reports. Continue reading