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Water, Water Everywhere – Late Palmer Amaranth Managment Strategies in Soybean and Cotton

This is shaping up to be the “Year of the Pigweed”.  That is how one consultant described our situation which, unfortunately, for many fields is right on the mark. Frequent flooding and hard rains last week followed by more of the same this week make it impossible to spray Palmer amaranth as timely as needed.  Continue reading

Leaning and Greensnapped Corn and Flooding

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Greensnapped corn at Milan REC; June 4, 2014

Have been checking fields this week for stalk issues in corn, especially after the high winds that occurred here lately.  Fortunately many fields look fine and corn is standing well.  In other areas at least some corn did sustain wind damage causing leaning or snapped stems.  Continue reading

What should be charged for custom wheat harvest, soybean planting?

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With wheat harvest comes the planting of double crop soybeans. Timeliness of planting is always critical. It seems our planting window narrows when planting soybeans behind wheat. Custom harvesting or planting could be good options. Continue reading at