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Time to Turn the Water on in Corn

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If you haven’t watered corn yet this week, you may want to think about doing so.  We have been blessed with an abundance of rain that has helped support corn development, and little irrigation has been needed.  High temps mean water demand is higher too, and it is critical to not get behind on watering corn.  Earliest planted corn is close to tasseling or tasseling which is peak demand time.  Suggested irrigation amounts are listed below for corn for those using the ‘checkbook’ method of applying water.  Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on June 16, 2014


Heavy, consistent rainfall continued to be a detriment to producers, especially those who are trying to finish planting soybeans, harvest wheat, or get hay baled. There were only 2 days suitable for field work last week. Some fields have been drowned out, there is the threat of weeds posing a serious problem, and some side-dress nitrogen is being applied by plane. One of the bright spots in this is that wheat that did get harvested indicated strong yields. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 15 14 .