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Crop Progress – NASS Tennessee

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Producers, determined to beat forecasted rain showers, made the most of the 4.7 days suitable for field work last week. Cotton, soybean, and corn planting increased 16, 10, and 9 percent, respectively. Hit and miss showers across the State slowed hay cutting. Farmers that got rain are hoping there was enough to improve pasture conditions. Producer’s side-dressed corn as the weather allowed. Topsoil moisture was 2 percent very short, 13 percent short, 70 percent adequate and 15 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels were 2 percent very short, 12 percent short, 77 percent adequate, and 9 percent surplus. Continue reading at TN_05_09_16.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, cotton, and wheat were down; soybeans were up for the week. Corn and wheat futures decreased 10-25 cents while soybean futures increased 5- 15 cents this week. This week, the soybean futures market continued its recent volatility. November soybean futures had daily trading ranges of 21, 27, 19, 28, and 27 cents. Next week we will likely see continued volatility in soybeans as on Tuesday the USDA will release the May WASDE report. The report has the potential to provide fuel for continuing the uptrend or a reversal in soybean markets. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Early beans weathering cool temps

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Based on planting reports, we look to have more true ‘early’ beans than we have had in the past three or four years.  A cool front this week and nighttime temps down in the forties have had folks ask about effects on soybean. Soybeans are pretty tolerant to air temps above 45 F after emergence, but are sometimes affected through chilling if soil temperatures are cold enough at the wrong time. Chilling injury is most likely when soil temperatures are cold (less than 50°F) at planting rather than becoming cold 24 hours or more afterwards. The longer the seed is in the ground at warm soil temperatures before cold temperatures occur, the less likely we are to have chilling injury.  Chilling injury appears as swelled seed that may sprout but the hypocotyl fails to elongate.  Sometimes plants will emerge but are smaller and less thrifty in appearance or stand is reduced.

If you are planting into heavy residue (i.e. cover crops), check soil temp prior to planting if you are concerned about cooler temperatures.  As long as temperatures are around 50°F or higher at planting depth for 24-48 hours after planting there should be no seed injury due to cold temperature. Delaying planting until mid/late morning will give ground time to warm up a bit during this cool front.  Fortunately, our cool weather episodes have been transient and our lows haven’t been all that low for crops like corn or soybean.  Of course, a good fungicide and insecticide seed treatment will help protect stand in cooler and variable soil conditions.

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Crop Progress – NASS Tennessee

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Corn planting is nearing completion in parts of the state and soybean and cotton planting are progressing well. Wheat producers made good progress this week applying fungicides in anticipation of potential infections. Dry conditions in East Tennessee caused pasture condition to decline. There were 4.6 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was 2 percent very short, 16 percent short, 62 percent adequate and 20 percent surplus. Continue reading at TN_05_02_16.

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