Cotton Planting Forecast, May 6th

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IMG_321312I’ve always heard if you start planting cotton on Friday you will never finish. . . but I’ve also been told on multiple occasions that you may only get one shot, so make it count.

The forecast for the next three days looks very good but rain is back in the forecast starting Tuesday.  I’ve been traveling back and forth to several different trial locations and it looks like most are capitalizing on this window.  Soils have been cool over the past few days but it appears (after last night) warmer temperatures are here to stay.  Forecasted DD60s for the next 5 days suggest planting conditions for Dyersburg, Jackson, Memphis and Fayetteville are all in the ‘very good’ category (see below).  I suspect soils will be a little cool tomorrow morning but we should warm up very quickly given the highs for the next few days.

For the record, I don’t believe in the old wives’ tale concerning starting on Friday, but I did start on a Monday.








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