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UT Crop Market Update 6/2/2016

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Corn: Corn futures continue to trend higher during this short trading week. The upward trend in corn futures is being fueled by the continuing surge in soybean prices. Also, the drought that is hitting Brazil’s second corn crop could lead to higher demand for U.S. corn. As we get further in the growing season and closer to pollination, weather will become the major factor as to the direction of corn prices. Continue reading

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PPO-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Escaping Sharpen Burndown

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In years past when all our Palmer amaranth was PPO-susceptible, many used Verdict or Sharpen tankmixed with glyphosate and MSO as a very successful burndown for horseweed and Palmer amaranth.  That mix still works well on horseweed, but I have gotten reports that Verdict and Sharpen are not burning down all the Palmer amaranth in some fields. Continue reading

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Crop Progress – Tennessee & U.S.

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Cool, wet weather over much of the State last week proved a stumbling block to numerous Tennessee producers. The rains kept many out of the field, delaying cotton and soybean planting, while cool weather slowed crop development. Conversely, other parts of the State dealt with dry conditions which caused corn twisting, slowed wheat bean emergence, and affected hay quality. There were 4.4 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was 7 percent very short, 13 percent short, 65 percent adequate and 15 percent surplus. The Tennessee Crop Progress report can be read at TN_05_31_16. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-05-31-2016. Please note that the Tennessee cotton squaring number is incorrect and pending revision should be 1%.

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Improving Consistency of Palmer Amaranth Control with Liberty

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Looks like we are fixing to have an overcast week with off and on showers.  In other words, a typical early June week for Tennessee.  At the same time Palmer amaranth is growing very quickly and many will try to get their Liberty applied over Liberty Link soybeans this week.  Liberty typically does not work well under Continue reading

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