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Using Correct Nozzles Correctly: Thoughts on the Additional Nozzles Added to XtendiMax Label

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The fifth blog on stewardship of XtendiMax and Engenia on Xtend crops will revisit nozzles. Just this past Friday the EPA approved the use of 20 other nozzles and/or orifice sizes besides the TTI 11004 for XtendiMax.   The additional nozzles on the list are good with respect to having more options but keep in mind that the nozzles are only approved if used at the designated operating pressures listed on that website.  Continue reading

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NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 11.0 Million Acres of Cotton in 2017

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February 11, 2017
Contact: T. Cotton Nelson or Marjory Walker
(901) 274-9030

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – U.S. cotton producers intend to plant 11.0 million cotton acres this spring, up 9.4 percent from 2016, according to the National Cotton Council’s 36th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey. (see table attached)

Upland cotton intentions are 10.8 million acres, up 8.8 percent from 2016, while extra-long staple (ELS) intentions of 266,000 acres represent a 36.9 percent increase. The survey results were announced today at the NCC’s 2017 Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas.

Dr. Jody Campiche, the NCC’s vice president, Economics & Policy Analysis, said, “Planted acreage is just one of the factors that will determine supplies of cotton and cottonseed. Ultimately, weather, insect pressures and agronomic conditions play a significant role in determining crop size.” Continue reading at NCC Survey.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, and wheat were up; cotton was mixed for the week. December corn futures got very close to the psychological barrier of $4.00 bushel on Friday. If $4.00 is breached early next week, the markets will likely encounter increased producer selling. The long term trend for the December 2017 contract remains up but for how long remains to be seen. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.  Comments on the February 9, 2017 – USDA World Supply and Demand Estimates and a Profitability Update can be read at USDA WASDE.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, cotton, and wheat were up; soybeans were down for the week. This week we entered the critical price discovery period for crop insurance for corn, soybeans, and cotton in Tennessee. The projected (spring) price will be determined from February 1 to 28 using the harvest futures contract for each commodity. As of Friday, February 3, the 2017 projected price was $3.94/bu for corn, $10.13/bu for soybeans and $0.73/lb for cotton. Prices could change substantially from now until the end of February, however, currently, all three commodities would have higher projected prices than last year. For 2016, corn had a projected price of $3.86/bu (harvest price $3.49/bu); soybeans had a projected price of $8.85/bu (harvest price $9.75/bu); and cotton had a projected price of $0.60/lb (harvest price $0.69/lb). Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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2017 Cotton Focus, Feb 9th

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The 2017 Cotton Focus Agenda is now available online. This year’s meeting will be held at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson, TN 38301) on Thursday, February 9th.   Registration begins at 8:30 AM with opening remarks beginning at 8:55 AM.  Specialists will be presenting information on variety selection,  target spot in TN cotton, weed resistance management/application requirements of new systems, general insect control update, and 2017 market outlook and risk management decisions.  The meeting will close with a provided lunch.  Pesticide re-certification and CCA points will be available. Look forward to seeing you there!

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UT Meeting Schedule, February 2017

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UT Extension is hosting a series of meetings to be held throughout the state to prepare growers for the upcoming season. These meetings will focus on variety selection, insect and plant disease management, weed management, and other current crop production topics.

Below is a list of the production meetings to be held in FEBRUARY. Please contact your local UT Extension office for more details on time and location. Continue reading

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Using the Correct Nozzles Correctly 2

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The fourth blog on stewardship of XtendiMax and Engenia on Xtend crops will revisit nozzles. Dr. Bob Wolf, a leading expert on nozzles, wrote me after he read my last blog and stated that his research would suggest that the ideal pressure range to run TTI11004 nozzles on is between 45 and 60 PSI.  I had suggested 30 to 60 psi. Continue reading

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Cotton was up; corn, soybeans, and wheat were down for the week. For the 2016/17 marketing year, the USDA currently estimates that 14.7%, 42.2%, 47.6%, and 73.7% of U.S. corn, wheat, soybean, and cotton production will be exported. These totals do not include exports of processed products such as ethanol, DDG’s soybean meal, soybean oil etc. For corn, the three markets with the largest marketing year-to-date U.S. export commitments are Mexico (25.6%), Japan (22%), and Columbia (9.6%). Currently, total export commitments for corn are estimated at 1.973 billion bushels as at the week ended January 19. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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