Category Archives: Weeds

Not Enough Sprayers

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Ignite over the top followed a day later with Gramoxone Inteon + Valor

It is apparent that we do not have the sprayer power in the state to keep up with all the demand.  Most of the pre applied herbicides in cotton and soybeans have played out and folks are scrambling to treat these fields for Palmer pigweed while at the same time trying to keep plant bugs beat back.  In some cases, they can tankmix an insecticide with the herbicide in cotton but often the timing does not work out. Most cotton fields have seen one to two Ignite applications applied over the top.  There have been some reports of Continue reading

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Monitor for Glyphosate-Resistant Goosegrass

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Glyphosate-Resistant Goosegrass after two 22 oz/A applications of Roundup PowerMax

Glyphosate-resistant (GR) goosegrass has shown up in a couple cotton fields in Lake and Dyer counties (picture left).  In these fields, repeated applications of glyphosate failed to control the goosegrass. Unfortunately, by the time the grower realizes that the grass is glyphosate resistant it has 4 or more tillers and is too large for even an application of Select Max or Fusilade to control.  Back in the late 1980s, Select Max or Fusilade did not control large goosegrass.  This appears to Continue reading

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Monitor Soybean Fields for Newly Emerged Palmer

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Palmer amaranth take over a soybean field after 32 ozs of Roundup PowerMax followed a week later with 1.5 pts of Reflex + MSO

“These pigweed are kicking our #&^”….. That quote one county agent said to me the other day fully defines the weed issues in many soybean and cotton fields.  A number of soybean fields that did not have a Pre applied herbicide have become partially or completely over run with Palmer amaranth (Picture left) last week.  Some of these fields will be destroyed this week and Continue reading

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Challenges Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Soybeans

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Regrowth of Palmer Amaranth after 57 ozs of FlexStar GT

We have lost several soybean fields to glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth over the last several days (Picture left of one). These fields had been sprayed when the Palmer amaranth averaged about 2 to 4” in height with Flexstar GT or Prefix plus glyphosate.  I have seen similar results with our research at Jackson on GR Palmer amaranth with many of the Continue reading

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