Not Enough Sprayers

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Ignite over the top followed a day later with Gramoxone Inteon + Valor

It is apparent that we do not have the sprayer power in the state to keep up with all the demand.  Most of the pre applied herbicides in cotton and soybeans have played out and folks are scrambling to treat these fields for Palmer pigweed while at the same time trying to keep plant bugs beat back.  In some cases, they can tankmix an insecticide with the herbicide in cotton but often the timing does not work out. Most cotton fields have seen one to two Ignite applications applied over the top.  There have been some reports of growers going to a third application. In these cases the first Ignite application was applied too late and Palmer pigweed has grown back from one or, in some cases, two Ignite applications.  I really try to discourage using Ignite over the top of WideStrike cotton more than twice. We have seen some yield loss and delay in maturity from three applications, particularly near first flower, in WideStrike cotton. Moreover, repeated applications of Ignite on large Palmer is a good way to promote Ignite resistance developing in this weed.  We cannot afford to lose Ignite on Palmer amaranth.  Rather, I have asked folks to forgo the third Ignite application over the top and use a hooded sprayer and apply paraquat (Gramoxone Inteon) at 32 oz/A + 1% COC + either 1 oz of Valor or 16 oz of Direx.  The picture at left shows some research we have at the station where we sprayed 29 oz/a of Ignite over the top of large Palmer and followed a day later with Gramoxone Inteon plus Valor under the hoods.

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